Can "synthetic" oil be "dino oil"?

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Jan 28, 2005
Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.
I'm kind of new to BITOG, so I have a question about when people say that a "synthetic oil" is a "dino oil".

I thought "dino oil" was strictly conventional oil, and that "synthetic oil" was a step above that; that basically, synthetic oil is engineered to be better than conventional.

So, why refer to "synthetic" as "dino oil"?
Is it because all oil first has to come out of the ground?

Thanks in advance!
I've never once seen anyone on this site refer to synthetic oil as dino oil. Can you show me what you're talking about?
I'm not sure where it was.

Maybe it was just a simple typing mistake, but I thought I'd ask the question anyway, for my own information.

[ March 26, 2005, 03:24 AM: Message edited by: adreed24 ]
I was surprised when I found out that Synthetic oil came from the ground too. I thought it was called synthetic because it was man made? Now I've found that there is synthetic crude coming out of the ground. I'm not too sure what to think about that.

The oil produced in the Western Canada Oil Sands region is referred to as "synthetic crude". The heavy crude extracted from the sands must be processed, first, before it can be shipped by pipeline to a refinery.

Adreed24 - Here is probably the source of your confusion:

Group I, Group II, Group III are dino oils, refined directly from a barrel of crude oil.

After the Castrol affair, Group III dinos can be labeled "synthetic" since the severe hydro-processing is changing the molecular structure of the hydro-carbons in the oil.

Here at BITOG, synthetic oils are the full synthetics blended from PAO or Ester basestocks, such as Mobil 1, Amsoil, Redline, etc.

Blue99 summed it up very well... just an amplification to explain...symantic's get in the way sometimes of all this, you know "Dino's" for Dinosaur...

Everything you see and touch on earth is either grown or mined "first" and then either used in it's natural state or converted through mixing, blending or manufacturing processes.

All of the lubricants discussed on this forum, Group I-V are originally fossil fuel based "Dino" if you will, (oil, gas and coal), they all come from the conversion of plant, animal and microrganism's created under heat and pressure in the ground...we just see them differently, liquid, gas or solid...

Groups I-III are from crude oil (liquid state), as Blue99 stated, group III is taken another step and further refined by Hydro-cracking rather than just the normal manufacuring process of distillation by heat and pressure (Groups I-II) to actually change the hydrocarbon molecule structure, thus the "synthetic" designation. I guess you could say, "Man changed it" - but did not "make it".

Groups IV-V, as stated are PAO or Ester based, which are hydrocarbon liquids, derived originally from Natural Gas (ah, a fossil fuel or "dino based" , which is converted into a liquid state through processing, first created from making Methonal. So the confusion you may be having is where people use the word "dino" to signify that it comes from crude oil vs. "synthetic" that comes from natural gas which is just processed differently... It all originally comes from fossil fuels, extracted in different physical states, processed (some more than others) and is orginally mined.... all I guess from "Dino's".... Clear?
Good explanation, Surge.

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