Camp Pendleton

I mean, who doesn't love a good sand flea?
I remember the sand fleas.
They would land on your face and standing at attention you could not swat them.
And the Drill Instructors were all on the look out for flea swatters.
Swatting one at attention did not end well,push ups or squat thrusts were the standard punishments sometime it would be a punch to the body.
Occasionally a punch to the face,had a few of those.
It wasn't the Boy Scouts back then most of us were going to the Nam.
Toughen up Maggot the beast is hungry.
I went to boot camp at Parris Island and then they sent us to Camp Lejeune for infantry training.
I was at Pendleton for a couple of weeks for what they called Zero week.
Zero week was extra training before they sent us to Viet Nam.
You are old !
California has the most beautiful topography out of every state in the US or maybe even the world.
Really? I live about 30min from there and not really in love with CA. We often leave to see some beauty. It’s all what you’re used to I guess. Go to the Pendleton 4th of July party on the beach if you can.
Really? I live about 30min from there and not really in love with CA. We often leave to see some beauty. It’s all what you’re used to I guess. Go to the Pendleton 4th of July party on the beach if you can.

California is a big state and not just Orange and San Diego Counties.












Do they do bootcamp at Camp Pendleton? I met a guy in a bar spouting off about being a Marine and going to bootcamp in San Diego but he didn't remember the name of the camp.
The Marines did sponsor a triathlon and a “tough mudder” event at Pendleton and Oceanside. Not sure if they do anymore.

If you fly into/out of SAN, MCRD - where the Corps sends their recruits west of the Mississippi River is next to the airport - you can see it from the runway.