Glad you figured it out. Next time as Chris said post a video before tearing something apart
Next time post up a video before tearing something apart!
Do you know at what psi the injectors pop at?
OK, so a new twist, hoping for some more thoughts.
I had refurbished injectors. #1 was making the bad noises. Refurbishment didn’t help it obviously.
So I bought a used injector. Heck, the six in my 350SD were quiet and swapping the one into this car was smooth and quiet as could be.
I installed the injector, and…
This one cracking the line makes a marked difference. I don’t recall that the OE one was as marked a difference when I cracked the lines.
So, now what?
Do we really know the cause of injector knock?
A 30 second injector swap with one from my other car worked perfect. No air or other issues. This one is louder.
I only wonder if maybe there is something with the way the line is swaged or angled that affects it? I just don’t get it.
I am planning to send this new one out to be refurbished, but I don’t want to spend good money after bad. Maybe I’ll take another from my 350SD and swap it in just to see if the last try was a fluke.
Thoughts on way ahead? Thanks!