Buffing with a Handheld Drill

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Aug 5, 2003
Coventry, CT
I was just wondering if anyone knows if it is okay to buff the finish with Meguiars Polish using an old Craftsmen handheld variable speed drill with a buffing wheel attached to it. Is that wise or not?

i wonderd this too...if i were to do it id use a foam pad. but u would have to keep the pad paralell to the surface.

i seen kits that does this but they are orbital...its like a circle but its off center so it wont stay in the same spot.
I wouldnt do it, you could go thru the paint. If you want something to polish with, sam's usually has a $20-$30 cheap orbital polisher made for that purpose.

If you are a begginer to buffing then I would advise against using the drill. If not used properly, there is a chance that you can do a lot of harm to the paint.

I recently started using a PC 7424 random orbital buffer on my car and am pleased with the results. Once I get profficient with the 7424, I may move up to a regular buffer.
Few things i'd like to say.

Rotary buffers shouldn't be used by amateurs. They have a much greater chance of paint burn-through and causing more swirls than taking them out.

Now with the drill buffer, drills go much much faster than a good rotary will. Plus, rotaries are balanced a bit better and aren't as top heavy. More chance with the drill-buffer to grind the pad edge into the paint.

Dime-store orbitals are decent, but lack the power and heft to be 'professional'. I have one, but it still takes a lot of hand work to get the gloss one strives for.

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