Browser NOT Working....

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Sep 2, 2005
Posted recently that I had a virus called Malware Defense. Got rid of the bugs related to that but I'm still having problems. Everything works fine upon startup but eventually the browser quits working. And downloads wont fully download. Ran Malwarebytes and McAfee...nothing detected.
took my laptop to a computer store, the geeks kept it,,100 bucks later,,its fine now, they put some software on the desktop that keeps the bad guys out,,been in there a year problems
If you're not running anti-virus and anti-spyware software, you really need to be. You also need to make sure the software is constantly kept up to date so that it knows about all the new bad stuff that gets out there.

For FREE anti-virus/anti-spyware software, my new favorite is Microsoft Security Essentials. Or, if you're anti-Microsoft, then AVG Free (anti-virus) and Spybot (anti-spyware) are a good combination.

If you run anti-virus/anti-spyware software, keep it up to date, and are careful about what kind of e-mail attachments you open, you shouldn't really ever have computer problems caused by viruses.
Well I just downloaded a-squared..ran that and found a trojan virus and deleted that and a few low risk cookies. But now it's actually worse...I think I stirred up the bee hive. Was lucky I was able to get online. I think I need to get into safe mode and do whatever but need some step by step procedures moving around there. Not just hit F-8 and remove the infected virus...More like what virus. TIA.
What browser and version are you using. Internet Explorer is generally more vulnerable to viruses. As you work to get everything cleared up, you might want to consider downloading/installing/using Firefox.
Some of these don't matter what browser you run, because it is the user that allows the malware to be downloaded. Usually they trick you by a pop-up that looks like it is from your anti-virus scanner and it says click here to remove and it then downloads the malware onto your PC. You just have to be careful what you click on and make sure it is legitimate.
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