Bought my girlfriend a Mossberg.

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Regarding this thread and the situation of the girlfriend living in a trailer that has been broken into a couple of times.

Unless that dog gets proper training to ignore offers of food from strangers, and attack any stranger breaking in / and or she gets a really good alarm system, I think there is a better than 50 percent chance that any gun she leaves in that trailer when she is not in it will be stolen. Hopefully the thief will sell it instead of use it in a robbery, or even actually fire it in a robbery.

So far the thief/thieves has/have only entered when she was not home. That pattern probably will not change, and any gun left in that trailer when she is not there will probably end up in the thieves hands. These drug addicts do not think rationally and it is more like random chance how a gun will be used if they get one.
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