Bom (Professor Amos Product)

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Jun 11, 2004
On the Canadian Shopping Channel I have unsuccessfully was able to buy this waterless wash, cleaner and sealant for paint,leather etc. Each time it is on it sells out before I can get my order thru.

In the demonstrations, it is sprayed on a supplied micro fibre cloth, wiped on a tarnished dirty hood and result is an instant brilliant shine with a finish that disperses water without water staining, it seals the paint. It hides scratches apparently, takes scratches out of a visor for clear viewing.

There has to people using this stuff, 10,000 units sell out at a time and quick, it seems to get a lot of repeat sales as it sells out each time it appears. I see many unproven/poor products stop circulating on TSC, this one seems to keep selling hot, got to be something to it.

I wanted to get a bottle and test it on sons 92 olds, has anyone used it and have results to post? thanks,
Looks like it, I recognize some other products sold on TSC too, the Shock all. The prices on shop channel little better, $22.00 Can which includes micro fibre towels.

Bretfraz,thanks for the link, have you tried this product or heard anything about it?

I've heard of it but haven't used it. I think its mostly targeted to the biker crowd but I'm sure some of their products could be used on cars, too.
thanks bretfraz, on TSC they pitch it high for bikes and cars, they claim 100 applications for bike, 40 for cars. They claim auto detailers, car sales etc use this product.

I found the info on the link you sent me real interesting on Bom's negative perspective on waxing a vehicle, using a sponge and detergent for cleaning, they claim damage to clear coat in those methods, there may or may not be something to what they say? I am going to get some and try it.

That link is a good read/perspective on traditional wash and wax versus their wipe and polish in waterless, they do say to rince with just water if car heavily soiled, but they advocate no detergent or abrasion with sponge, they say thier product will not scratch or swirl finish, instead it will hide existing swirls, even use on leather, windows, visors, dash boards, to hide scratches,use on chrome, clean, shed water and seal, they also claim all black finishes will blacken deep, stay black with greying, use on plastics etc, it puts a finish on house and vehicle windows to stop water spotting and easy clean on bird droppings, bugs etc. this info comes from link and TSC. It sounds promising, could be a great sleeper product?
thanks for the link.

I like Prof Amos, he's a cool guy. I think his products are good for the soccer mom nation, why not. I have bought some of his products, mainly MF towels and a cleaner. Would I use the stuff on my car? Probably not, a QEW was followed by Zaino ZAIO cannot be beat as an epress wash an wax in my opinion. The extra step of using a paint cleaner really sets of an automobile paint shine.
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