Bigfoot...what do you think?

I think IF such a thing exists you have to shift your thinking because it exists in a realm/plane that is ethereal for lack of a better word.

This in itself immediately excludes most people before they could even begin to ponder the creature itself.

I also think if you accept this it also means their existence can never be proven beyond a doubt. Skeptics would say gee, isn't that convenient -- and they might be right. However at this point it's arguably no different than believing in a higher power, ie bring me God's DNA then I'll believe. Note I'm not suggesting "bigfoots" are god-like or worthy of worship -- merely that some beliefs involve a degree of faith.

I watched the Les Stroud thing with great interest and enjoy his content (unlike Bear Grylls who is a sensationalist pretty boy). Les never concluded directly (on camera, that I saw) they exist but he was noticeably shaken.

To be clear I'm not saying I believe. And I've had exactly ZERO experiences to make me question if they do. I'm merely open to the possibility that 1) they might and 2) it's not as black and white as a rare bear wandering around in a remote area
In most tales told of Bigfoot, I’ve not heard it was evil. Maybe threatening, but realize the people telling that encounter story are alive and well. 🧐

Now the Yeti? I hear the tales that he will take you out if you dare enter his domain. 😧

Do I believe? I am open to the possibility since there’s no possible way we know ALL living creatures on Earth. After all, mountain gorillas were a myth until they were discovered. 🤷🏻

[Not a believer, nor in Loch Ness nor Champ for the matter. But it's a fun subject and all.]
How many large terrestrial mammals have gone uncaptured and undocumented and only recently been found? None. Even the shyest of large animals are routinely encountered in the wild and have been captured and documented. Before someone thinks the answer is there are just so few of them, if there isn't a sufficiently large breeding population then there is no population at all.

Bigfoot does not exist...
This phenomenon is present in virtually every state.
If these creatures existed at one point they have likely all become extinct.

I had an experience as a young man in central illinois while I was with a friend, we were armed with high powered air rifles and feeling well protected, and confident we could hold off anything or anyone. We saw and heard something following us that scared us to death. It was gigantic, and moved from tree to tree incredibly quickly watching us while attempting to stay out of sight, but once we saw it, it started making deep grunting noises.

Decades after this I learned the area was supposedly home to a local monster. In mid 74 there was no way for us to know that just a year or so before this "encounter" there was a huge search party response of over 100 people to a supposed local monster that lit up the local 911 with over 200 calls. It was ultimately deemed a hoax, with one guy saying he made it all up, but many people have sighted something in that area over the years and the area remains a hot spot for this phenomenon with many sighting of something in the area we prowled as kids.

I'm highly skeptical about this, but have no explanation for our own experience.
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Maybe it is the beginning of a new species of primates. Like when Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals' coexisted together and apparently interbreed. AZ Jeff is probably right that they just want to be left alone.
You are on to something here. Plus, I now identify as a Homo Crossus Bigfootus. Science and a certain little District on the Eastern seaboard says I can.
To AZjeff: Who ever said Bigfoot was evil?
OP inferred it.
I WAS in a spot once, that gave me an eerie feeling for some reason. It just felt like evil was present. Kind of like being watched, in a sinister way.

This commercial has been on TV here on and off for a few years. It's back on and makes us laugh, Bigfoot has an attitude.

Our niece lives in this little town in NW Pa, a few years ago on a lark they started a Bigfoot festival and it's taken off. Bigfoot believers come from all over the country.
I've read some fairly creditable stories. Never heard of one in Iowa. Still funny how nobody has captured a clear pic or found remains.
But I remain open. Had a friend in Washington that says she experienced one camping years ago. Who knows, but she never lied to me.

I WAS in a spot once, that gave me an eerie feeling for some reason. It just felt like evil was present. Kind of like being watched, in a sinister way.
We went to a remote grave yard one night, probably 35 years ago. Known for weird things happening there.. Sat on the tailgate of my pickup
and drank beer.

The wind was blowing. It changed directions every few minutes. Came at us from all 4 sides, which was strange. Got the heck out of there.

Also toured the Villisca Axe House Murder place, about one hour drive from here.

You can even rent it for overnight stays, which I declined. I felt dirty just being in that house.

Anything to add?

Enlighten me: do you also believe in the tooth fairy? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
I've read some fairly creditable stories. Never heard of one in Iowa. Still funny how nobody has captured a clear pic or found remains.
But I remain open. Had a friend in Washington that says she experienced one camping years ago. Who knows, but she never lied to me.

I WAS in a spot once, that gave me an eerie feeling for some reason. It just felt like evil was present. Kind of like being watched, in a sinister way.
We went to a remote grave yard one night, probably 35 years ago. Known for weird things happening there.. Sat on the tailgate of my pickup
and drank beer.

The wind was blowing. It changed directions every few minutes. Came at us from all 4 sides, which was strange. Got the heck out of there.

Also toured the Villisca Axe House Murder place, about one hour drive from here.

You can even rent it for overnight stays, which I declined. I felt dirty just being in that house.

Anything to add?
Big foot = fake

Want more tourists? Your area needs big foot sightings