Best wax to us inside a toilet bowl at water line?

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Sep 4, 2009
near Chicago
Some water, even softened, can let a ring of deposits form at the water line. This ring does not remove with chemicals including muriatic acid. So mechanical means are needed. To resist deposits, car wax has been suggested. My question is, what product and method would be best (effective and durable) for this use inside the dry freshly-cleaned porcelain bowl, particularly at the water line?

This post mentions waxing inside the bowl, but it did not get into what the best thing would be.
Never heard of waxing the toilet bowl. What about some of these hanging cleaners that introduce a little bit of cleaner with each flush? Or putting bleach in the water?
I never heard of waxing the bowl, either.

I live in a hard water area, and find the best way is to clean the mineral deposits off
with a pumice stick from time to time. Quick, easy and doesn't scratch the porcelain.
Waxing a toilet bowl?

Get some CLR.
Originally Posted By: Kuato

Get some CLR.

Agreed. This stuff will take any hard deposits off. My dad would clean our fish tanks with years of calcium buildup with this.Of course no fish in there...
I can't wait until my friends compliment me on how well my toilet flushes and I say, "Why thank you...I use #476 by Collinite"


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Who doesn't wax their toilet bowl? No one I toilets and vinegar....
Softscrub that contains bleach works great when cleaning a toilet bowl. Use it instead of regular cleaner.
Orange peel.

It floats around and leaches aromatic oil and citric acid. Eventually it gets waterlogged and its gone. (Rinse and repeat, IOW).

Effectiveness varies with variety.
Just when you think you’ve heard it all......

Can’t imagine any car wax is going to last long in that application.....
Originally Posted By: DuckRyder
Just when you think you’ve heard it all......

Can’t imagine any car wax is going to last long in that application.....

Goes along with you can't polish a turd.
CLR, phosphoric acid, muriatic acid, commercial bowl cleaners did not do it. Pumice does indeed does it as R_W_M suggested, but there is a special glaze on the porcelain designed to resist deposits. The maker says not to use abrasives. Since pumice is the only thing that does it, I do it anyway. But I want to minimize that. Thus the request for the automotive wax that would be best, or least inadequate.

Perhaps now that my post asking about automotive wax has been banished from the Automotive Detail and Wax to the general/off-topic forum, maybe I could get a response to my request for the automotive wax that would be predicted to be best, or least inadequate, for this purpose.
Hello there gentlemen of the board,

Use some Nufinish on there and apply in a circular motion. Will last for 100 flushes. Turdlewax paste is another good one.
Originally Posted By: surfstar
99 cent store pumice stone and gloves

waxing? the only wax should be the ring


This is TOO simple. We are BITOG, the land of complex solutions:

- Dollar store motorized Toothbrush (Make sure is only used for that and THE WHOLE HOUSE KNOWS IT! (Gag, YEP it happened to me))
- New toilet brush
- New toilet brush + New multitool (the vibrating thingy); just because your hand is tired.....
- the transparent sticker with the picture of a FLY; used successfully in so many commercial settings....(shush, it is to keep your mind to something else)
- multi-stage water Filter just before the water supply to the toilet?
- multi stage whole house water filter....
- a new toilet
- a new bathroom + toilet
- a new house
My understanding is that there're better more expensive toilet that has a better glaze, that is not attracting as much deposits. Maybe you should invest in a better toilet , and / or installing a water softener for the toilet inlet?
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