Best budget fun car - Porsche vs. BMW vs. Pontiac?

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Originally Posted By: zanzabar
Originally Posted By: 05LGTLtd

I'd consider how important a four seater is in the matrix. Track cars are track cars. Cars to go out cruising with the family on Sundays and get ice cream are not. Unless they are a gear head, nobody else really wants to ride in your track car with you. Sorry it's the truth. Especially with a 3k budget.

Ok, this is a good point actually. In terms of priorities I think I'll have to put this lowest, so maybe in that case I'll need to think more about the two-seater idea.

I take it back, I think the convertible idea is a must - need to justify the purchase to wife and family
The idea of occasional trips to the coast and ice cream store in the convertible is pretty appealing to them.

With that in mind, I'm feeling like an E36 BMW convertible could be pretty much ideal. Just have to figure out how to cage it...maybe some sort of removable roll bar situation. I don't need to WIN ALL THE RACES!!! - I just want to have a bit of fun at the track.
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