Applying Duragloss 501 by hand

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Oct 2, 2009
What's the proper way to apply duragloss 501 by hand? I've heard it has good cleaning ability and I've seen posts that state not to apply it using circular motions because it can cause marring. Wouldn't using circular motions help with it's cleaning ability? Are the cleaners in it so strong that it will be effective just applying in a straight line and wiping off?
You are leaving out an important step. Apply the 601 bonding agent before you apply the 501. This application will last a full year. Every other car wash I enhance it with their spray Aquawax. And yes, I apply it with a straight back and forth motion. It eliminates swirl marks. Also, this stuff works better applied by hand. No need for a buffer. You don't wipe off the 601. You apply it and leave it on. You apply the 501 over the top of it. Wipe off the residue when it dries and prepare to be amazed. I use this stuff on 2 trucks, 3 cars, and 2 boats. Iv'e been using this stuff for 15 years. Better than anything I have ever tried. Order it from the Duragloss website. Good prices, fresh product, and a flat $5.00 shipping rate for any amount you order delivered anywhere in the U.S. Hope this answers your questions.
Thanks gwdriver. I wasn't aware that the bonding agent would work with 501. I know many use it before applying 105 or 111. That's good to hear that 601 will also add to the durability of 501.
I don't think it matters how you apply it. I use a mf pad, and usually apply back and forth. I have not used 501, because I'm still trying to rid of my 101 stash. I assume they are similar in application. I always apply to the whole car, and then wipe off with clean MF.
I've applied it in circular motions and it has yet to leave marks on the paint.........this is on about ten cars. A light touch is required, not like an SOS pad on a scalded pot.
Of all the DG products mentioned(501,601,105,101,111)only the 101 has any abrasives in it. Which makes it a true "polish" to get rid of slight spider webbing and prob a good idea to apply in back and forth motions.

601- heavy cleaning ability no sealant

501- cleans and protects(sealant)

105- less cleaners than above with sealant

101- cleans, polishes, protects

111- protects only

DG also has a swirl mark remover(671) that has more abrasives than the 101 and also contains sealant. I bought some to remove scratches but returned it since it wasn't aggressive enough. Got some #652 to remove scrathes which worked pretty well. Kinda confusing I know.
Apply the 501 just like you would apply any other wax/sealant. The 501 is my product of choice. It also works awesome on glass so wax your windows with it as well.
If it has cleaners chances are it has some type of abrasive. Unless Jerry specifically said "no abrasives" assume it has some abrasives.
I use the 101 on my black motorcycle, mainly because I wanted a product with a mild polish that I could apply monthly. It leaves the paint looking like glass. I even compared it to Zaino's latest AIO and the 101 kicks it butt! 101 is the nicest looking polish I've used to date.
Duragloss is great as sealant but for polishing you really need to get your hands on Meguiar M105 and M205 products. Your local auto parts store *might* be able to order them but better to just get it from an online store.

- Vikas
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