I've got over a hundred
https://www.ebay.com/sch/atikovi/m.html?item=154249889101&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2562 but actually
selling is another topic. Some I've had on there 10 years while some have sold in a few weeks or less of initial insertion. I'd say the first thing would be to create a form with some basic info that stays the same in every listing, like your terms and conditions for example. Then with that, all you have to do is add a few details of your item instead creating a new listing for each other item. The problem with clothes and shoes is Ebay is saturated with those listings and getting a sale is difficult unless it's something unique or valuable.
Waste of money for anything under $1,000 or whatever the current threshold Ebay requires. Ebay just wants to see it was delivered and doesn't care who at the address got it.
Waste of time. Proves nothing to Ebay.