Anyone Interested In Learning Your Family Tree?

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Jul 26, 2018
Cleveland Ohio
I just wondered if anybody has done their family tree, or would like to learn how to find out about them for free! I do genealogy as my hobby, and have learned so many interesting facts that are just so amazing. I have tried different sites, but the best I would recommend is this one called FamilySearch.Org It is FREE, easy to use, and vetted by the LDS. You can find birth, death, and marriage certificates, where they are buried, and many have a brief bit of history about their lives. Many also have other links to other family trees, articles, and just all together a plethora of information. My family is mainly from Virginia, and have found so many fascinating ancestors. One of the most is Pocahontas. I also have several members who came on, and before the Mayflower, some burned as witches in Salem, more native Indians, and royalty too. The farthest I have been able to trace back was around the year 980, thanks to the Doomsday book. They also have interesting facts they will do about them on holidays like Memorial Day, where they give you free access to records about who fought in the various wars, and you can see about their rank, and actual documents about them from that time. All you need is to fill out your name, and info up to your great grandparents if you can, or at least your grandparents. Then from there you can search and learn more about your great grandparents, and so on. Then the fun part is doing random searches of famous people to see if you are related. I wished I had a printer, because I would have saved everything and make a book out of them. But you can save up to 4 thousand people. I have a group on Facebook that are from the same town as my grandparents, and have found so many cousins, and has been a lot of fun sharing what I find. So, I thought I would share the link for anyone that is interested. And especially for you men to give the link to your wives, and children. I wished they had this available when I was young, because it would have made school so much more fun, to learn about your famous connections to the past. So here is the link, and if you join and find some fun facts, please share. It really is fascinating, and you can't beat free!

Good luck!
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Subbed to check out later, thanks!

Actually, my sister has done a little bit of genealogy for our family and we have a few basics going back a couple of genereations. Will be interesting to find out more.
My fathers side of the family has been traced back to the 1700's to Caven County Ireland to a small town called Virginia and one of his relatives came to the colonies and settled in, of all places, Virginia.....
Many on here were more interested when Pennzoil changed their labels than their family kidding.
Yes, that has been a hobby of mine for several years. I have a tree on MyHeritage family tree as well as a few on Ancestry. I had my Y DNA done a few years ago and mine and a family members autosomal 2 years ago. That opened up a whole new interesting world for me.
Looking back probably not. Just a bunch of old money rich protestant folk from Ireland. Pleanty of Guiness and potatos at our house. I find it interesting but I find cars
, hunting and fishing, and UFO's more interesting.
Fun,funner, and funnest!
Both of my parents came from Poland, I'm first generation American. My older sister did a genealogy DNA test and it said she's 38% Scandinavian!
We do have the same green eyes and light brown hair - did, she went bottle blonde.
I'm really not. My sister has done some family tree stuff. My fiance' was really into it in the past and recently had her DNA done at the request of another family member. This has turned into a cluster since this family member is about to find out that the person she has thought was her biological father for the past 44 years is really not.
I went and saw my 89 year old aunty on saturday, I haven't seen her for a few years. There is a family reunion com ing up, so I needed to let her know what's going on - she pulls out her phone and shows me her emails...oh, not so old and doddery then? The Family Tree is interesting, but finding out personal stuff that went on when we were just kids is very interesting...a bit shocking, but when she is gone it will be all lost. I am very interested in the skeletons, they need to be unearthed and picked apart.
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