Ammo Cabinet

May 30, 2010
North Carolina
I decided to get a cabinet for ammo storage, guns are kept in the safe. After getting it and putting it together. I need more shelves.

I can't find shelves separate to purchase, so I will make a couple of wood shelves to fit.

Overall, I like it. Now i need to stock it deeper!!


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I like what you did there. I would like an ammo cabinet myself. I have had to settle for a small closet with mostly 50 cal cans stacked
Just check what the shelf weights are. This one is supposed to hold 180lbs per shelf.
Pretty nice. Those old .22 shorts are handy. I feed one into a 10/22 and use it to pop things like feral mangy cats and an occasional possum.
What have you got against possums?
Just curious.
I hates them, I hates them forever. Most wild critters I'm totally live and let live - but possums is icky. Nasty giant rats. I had one die up in my floor joists/insulation once. I put on a pair of rubber gloves to retrieve it and when I grabbed it, it's skin slid off and I got an armful of decomposed possum juice all down INSIDE my shirt. I think I threw up 3 times getting than nasty stinking thing out. Then of course I had to get up in there and spray GALLONS of bleach. 30 feet from my crawl space door, on the side that the house darn near sat on the dirt.

The possum species became my mortal enemy that day.
I was using a lockable gun locker.... not as good as a safe but secure.
Then one day I realized that I had a lot of weight sitting on one spot.

It's now spread out in ammo cans.