Americans Can Handle the Truth

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Nov 16, 2002

John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, says it’s time for the U.S. government to release any evidence it has about the existence of alien forms of life in outer space.

Podesta, who was also a chief of staff to President Bill Clinton, told CNN that if Hillary Clinton is elected, she’ll ask for as many records about Area 51 in Nevada as the U.S. government has to be declassified.

“I think that's a commitment that she intends to keep and that I intend to hold her to," Podesta told CNN.

Area 51 is a remote Air Force test and training range that’s been the subject of conspiracy theories, including UFO sightings.

"The U.S. government could do a much better job in answering the quite legitimate questions that people have about what's going on with unidentified aerial phenomena," said Podesta.

Asked if the government is holding proof of alien life, Podesta said: “That’s for the public to judge once they’ve seen all the evidence that the U.S. government has.”

Asked about his own beliefs, Podesta simply said: “There are a lot of planets out there,” adding “the American people can handle the truth.”

Doubt anything would come of this, but I'd love to see some information that would blow my mind.

*Please keep this on the topic of UFOs, NOT politics. Thanks

From all the research I did over the last few years on this topic, it comes down to about 5% of incidents that are unexplained. This does not mean they are of alien origin or can not be explained, but I must say they are pretty remarkable accounts from some very high up, respectable people.
"The government" has a terrible track record at keeping anything secret. If aliens are as smart as they are supposed to be, they would not preferentially fly to a US government facility with the expectation that the visit would be kept secret.
Much as I love my science fiction, the hardheaded realist in me says that unless the aliens have a worthwhile star drive (i.e., faster than light or able to "bypass" or "warp" space somehow), or are very long-lived, or have cold sleep facilities or generation starships . . . it's very unlikely that they could even reach us. Space is BIG.
I used to think Area 51 was such a big deal but it's really just a research facility. The location is great because nobody wants to live in the middle of Nevada anyway. Great place to test new aircraft that you don't want the public seeing.
It's certainly an interesting and fresh campaign promise. Vote for me and I'll tell you about the aliens.
Originally Posted By: Benzadmiral
Much as I love my science fiction, the hardheaded realist in me says that unless the aliens have a worthwhile star drive (i.e., faster than light or able to "bypass" or "warp" space somehow), or are very long-lived, or have cold sleep facilities or generation starships . . . it's very unlikely that they could even reach us. Space is BIG.

There's always the relativistic effect of near light speed travel...
I don't know if I believe in aliens or not, but it always seems to me that if they were clever enough to fly through space and reach us there would be absolutely nothing of interest to them.
It's the equivalent of us going on a long journey to look at a pile of dog poop in a field somewhere because of the basic microbial life on the poop. There's much more interesting stuff to look at..

I've read about some of the unexplainable ones and they fire my imagination but they're still not proof, as I understand the word.
Originally Posted By: NMBurb02
Originally Posted By: Benzadmiral
Much as I love my science fiction, the hardheaded realist in me says that unless the aliens have a worthwhile star drive (i.e., faster than light or able to "bypass" or "warp" space somehow), or are very long-lived, or have cold sleep facilities or generation starships . . . it's very unlikely that they could even reach us. Space is BIG.

There's always the relativistic effect of near light speed travel...

True, the trip will seem much shorter to them aboard their ship as they push closer to light speed. ("186,000 miles per second: It's not just a good idea, it's THE LAW!")
No, SOME Americans (really, people in general) could handle the proven existence of alien life. Most people are morons and would lose their little minds. I'm not saying aliens exist, but if they do and the government knows about it, I can totally understand why it's kept secret. People are dumb sheep prone to panic.

I'd love to be more diplomatic and think that people would be cool with it, fascinated with the idea of being visited by alien life, but I read and I watch the news and I have Internet connectivity so I have very little hope that modern society could handle the existence of aliens or the truth about any other well-kept secret.
Originally Posted By: hatt
It's certainly an interesting and fresh campaign promise. Vote for me and I'll tell you about the aliens.

She's trying to lock in the conspiracy vote. Apparently there is no group she won't pander to.
Oh yeah, aliens and zombies should certainly be added to the list of presidential debate topics. Some of the candidates are as qualified to discuss these topics as they are to discuss economic policy and foreign affairs.
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