A/C Compressor Black Death?

Aug 30, 2004
I replaced the A/C desiccant bag on the ‘08 Camry I was working on. The bag I removed has a small amount of black staining. Is this an early sign of “Black Death” from the A/C compressor? There were no known issues with the system; I only replaced the bag because the system was
“open” for 3 weeks.

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Looks to be low on oil. Looks completely dry! That black is from the piston rings. They are grinding themselves up with no oil to lubricate them. Maybe you caught it and it will still pump.
I added 2oz of oil with the recharge. There was some oil lost when the lines were removed.
yeah, looks like the beginning of the end for the compressor. best to replace it now if this car is not destined for the scrapyard soon. I always replace the compressor, the condenser, and the drier if their is any chance of compressor failure. I don't like taking out dashboards to change evaporators, but sometimes it has to be done. don't forget to backflush too