4 Teslas at a stop light...

It sounds even more stupid to someone like myself who could be from one generation OR the other depending on which commonly-accepted endpoints you choose to believe. My birthday falls right on the border..... I don't know if I'm supposed to loathe myself - or not!
It was easier in the 60's It was just Dirty Hippies then everybody else.
You could tell by the haircut. :)
The Ev is like any other vehicle is best for a specific puropse and use. If all you hauled was 3 50 lb sacks of fertilizer you would not need a semi truck, you could use a semi truck but a pick up would by far be the best vehicle to use.
91 Octane gas up here in the Southern California mountains is back up to $5.69. I topped off when I was "down the hill" the other day at an Exxon station for $4.99.

Even in my small town of less than 4000 people I see several Teslas in the parking lots of the local grocery store or post office each time I'm out running errands. I think there are a half dozen charging stations in town to accommodate the visitors as it is a popular destination for tourists and people who rent AirBnB's.

It seems like a lot of the Tesla drivers I see around here are family types with a couple of kids and a dog and not well off boomers who can afford $60k cars.
*I am unlikely to ever sell the S600. It’s just such an incredible car. Smooth, fast, comfortable - it exceeds anything I’ve ever driven. So, there’s the road trip machine. We’ve talked about an electric for my wife, but she would rather save $$ and keep driving her nearly 300,000 mile Volvo.

Isn't that a beatiful thing? Being happy with the perfectly useable car you have. Being free from wants is real freedom imo, especially if you can buy what and when you need it.