21"-24" Monitor for Laptop

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Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
How do I check if the Acer is capable of driving an external monitor as an extended display ? What are the advantages of this capability ? What are the problems if it doesn't have this capability ?

Extended display just means you can display two desktops simultaneously (one on the laptop's screen and one on the external monitor), each one displaying something different. So for example you can have a web browser displaying on one screen while Excel or a movie is playing on the other screen, all at the same time.

If it can't support extended display, then it just means you have to choose which screen to use as display, but you can't use both at the same time.
I would recommend a Samsung display. I have a 23" Asus display on our desk for our desktop system, whose native resolution is 1920x1080, and also a 22" Samsung display that I use as a "floater" on various systems, whose native resolution is also 1920x1080. The difference in picture quality is striking. The only reason I keep the Asus where it is is because it's got built-in speakers and I like to keep a clean desk, free of clutter like speakers, wires, etc. It's hooked to our computer with a single HDMI cable feeding video and audio. So it works well, but it's not as crisp or as bright as the Samsung's display.
+1 for a Samsung display. I've got an older 22" monitor, circa 2009. It only has 1650x1050 res, but it's been a fantastic monitor. I've pondered getting a newer better, larger, higher res monitor on many occasions, yet I'm still using this old Samsung.

I also have a newer 24" Acer. It is currently in storage, and I can't say that I miss it all that much.
Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Extended display just means you can display two desktops simultaneously (one on the laptop's screen and one on the external monitor), each one displaying something different. So for example you can have a web browser displaying on one screen while Excel or a movie is playing on the other screen, all at the same time.

If it can't support extended display, then it just means you have to choose which screen to use as display, but you can't use both at the same time.

Thank you Pete.

I think my wife doesn't need/like to display 2 screens at once so the extended display is not importance/required. Actually, choosing which screen to display is better so that it will not distract her.

Originally Posted By: Hokiefyd
I would recommend a Samsung display. I have a 23" Asus display on our desk for our desktop system, whose native resolution is 1920x1080, and also a 22" Samsung display that I use as a "floater" on various systems, whose native resolution is also 1920x1080. The difference in picture quality is striking. The only reason I keep the Asus where it is is because it's got built-in speakers and I like to keep a clean desk, free of clutter like speakers, wires, etc. It's hooked to our computer with a single HDMI cable feeding video and audio. So it works well, but it's not as crisp or as bright as the Samsung's display.

Thanks for suggesting Samsung monitor, I will look for it. The Acer is 7 years old and doesn't have HDMI port, it has only VGA and USB ports.

I don't know much about desktop, laptop, notebook ... Actually I don't have any desktop and never had any. If some of my questions are so trivial please understand that I asked because I didn't know.
I also like Samsung monitors. I can't fathom buying a monitor without seeing it first; like stereo equipment, one can quote a millions specs, but if the end experience isn't something the user likes, well.....

I got a Samsung @ Staples a while back. 23" for $139
Watching movies at a desk is miserable at best. I have a 30" display and actually find it too large and too close but perfect for doing work.

When I watch streamed movies I used my 50" Sony TV. At first I tried to use it as the primary display but barely could read the text from the couch. So instead extending the display allows you to pick and choose what you want easily on your primary display(laptop) and once streaming allow it to run on the other display (my case the TV).

I think using a TV is a better solution but depends if your TV has a VGA input. Also VGA does not give as great as quality of picture as HDMI or DVI port does. TV's from places like Target/Walmart tend to lack the extra ports like VGA and only have 2 HDMI vs a normal store where it is full of ports(4 HDMI, line levels, vga etc).

Good luck with what you get.
My TV's don't have VGA or DVI ports, my laptops don't have HDMI port. So I need a monitor with VGA port to connect to VGA port of the Acer laptop.

The question is:
1. Which 21-24" monitor(s) has built-in speaker ? I couldn't find 1 has speaker.
2. Does VGA also carries audio ?
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
My TV's don't have VGA or DVI ports, my laptops don't have HDMI port. So I need a monitor with VGA port to connect to VGA port of the Acer laptop.

The question is:
1. Which 21-24" monitor(s) has built-in speaker ? I couldn't find 1 has speaker.
2. Does VGA also carries audio ?


And to #2, no.
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
The question is:
1. Which 21-24" monitor(s) has built-in speaker ? I couldn't find 1 has speaker.
2. Does VGA also carries audio ?

1. Here is one:

Although, IMHO, the tiny speakers built into flat panels are junk. You might as well continue using your laptop speakers, or if you value good sound, buy dedicated computer/multimedia speakers.

2. No.
No, no need for good sound because my wife just like to have larger display with some audio to stream some movies. So she just uses audio from laptop for now(I mean after I buy monitor for her). In the future if she likes to upgrade the audio, how do I connect laptop to computer/multimedia speakers ? Which port of a laptop has audio output ? Headphone port ?

Newer/better laptops should have HDMI(I think), but I don't want to spend too much money on dying technology(lap top).
Yes, you can use the headphone output jack on the laptop to feed audio signal to either an external monitor (if it has a minijack input) or to computer speakers.
I have three and seven year old Acer laptops. Each is fine driving a 1920x1080 display. My newer laptop is 1600x900 and one of the screen options for other models using the same case is 1920x1080. If my screen ever cracks I can simply remove it, plug in the 1920x1080, and it'll work as if it always had it.

Then again I'm the guy who stuck a dual core CPU into the single core laptop to get it up to speed. Everybody said it wouldn't work. It works fine.

I'm typing this now on a 19 inch 1440x900 display because it's brighter and easier to read. When I'm not at home, I leave the display here with my keyboard and mouse. It also gives me a better sounding pair of speakers, aimed at me instead of out to the sides. Also, no webcam, so I don't have to worry about someone watching me if I accidentally open a video chat or something.
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