2021 Ford Escape Hybrid - Motorcraft 0/20 Blend - 5036 Miles - 3 Labs

Oct 20, 2005
Scruffy City
We have a 5036 mile sample from 3 different labs:

The water is from the sample bottle (my bad)



Why three different labs?

And three different UOAs in less than 11k miles?

I understand trying to establish a baseline to compare future UOAs, but do you believe there is an issue with this engine?
You find that comforting?
I think the comforting aspect he is referring to, is the fact that these 3 reports were more in line than the last 3 report attempt.

It is perhaps comforting to know that a "cheap $30 spectrographic analysis" can be done at 3 different labs with such accuracy.

Maybe, just maybe, they are not as useless as some here has espoused.

I personally am comforted. Aren't you? :unsure:
I think the comforting aspect he is referring to, is the fact that these 3 reports were more in line than the last 3 report attempt.

It is perhaps comforting to know that a "cheap $30 spectrographic analysis" can be done at 3 different labs with such accuracy.

Maybe, just maybe, they are not as useless as some here has espoused.

I personally am comforted. Aren't you? :unsure:
Yes hopefully the laboratories are all following the correct calibration and maintenance procedures as well as proper standardized tests. This should yield statistically correct results within the margin of reproducibility stated in the procedure.

But how does this make the spectrographic analysis more useful for those things we talked about elsewhere? It's still a cheap $30 elemental analysis, but it's a reproducible one. That does not affect the significance.
Yes hopefully the laboratories are all following the correct calibration and maintenance procedures as well as proper standardized tests. This should yield statistically correct results within the margin of reproducibility stated in the procedure.

But how does this make the spectrographic analysis more useful for those things we talked about elsewhere? It's still a cheap $30 elemental analysis, but it's a reproducible one. That does not affect the significance.
The fact that it is reproducible and consistent is important. If it was not so, there would be more validity to the argument about how useless it is. So, it does affect the significance of what is presented in the cheap, $30 report. I think you know that already.

If there were wide inconsistencies in the tests from the different labs, I have no doubt you would use that information to reinforce your argument.

You and I disagree with the usefulness of the information shown on these reports, and that is OK with me.
I'm not sure two sets of 3 really proves anything, one set there was quite a bit of variation in and variation in retest, this set less variation. They all picked up water which was from the sample bottle, though i did not plan it that way it is a bit of a control.

For what it is worth ALS (NAPA) and Blackstone have proven to be reasonably consistent in several samples that i've done 2 labs for.

I will probably not do very many more with 3 labs, but i do have a service on the VW coming up in the next few months, so I may do 3 on that.

As for why - Not really understanding why people feel the need to keep asking this question. Don't worry about it, don't like it - don't read or use the data.
Where are you buying the 0w20 Motorcraft 'blend'? I've only seen 5w20 at Walmart.
Did Conoco up the amount of Moly in their oils recently?

PS: I think you'll get a lot of miles out of your Escape Hybrid...I've seen NYC taxis with over 400K on that engine. I'd much prefer it to the 1.5T 3 cylinder in the non-hybrid Escape. How much more does Ford charge for the Hybrid over the regular engine?