1964 Good Friday Earthquake.

Mar 4, 2017
Every year on Good Friday I am reminded of this huge earthquake. Even though the date doesn’t match, since it happened on Good Friday, it sets a ominous reminder each year.

We had relatives living just north of Anchorage at the time. It took over a month to get news from them that they were okay. Their communication was via ham radio.

Imagine a 9.2 magnitude quake shaking for over 4 minutes.

I watched a special on the 1964 Good Friday Earthquake sometime around 1966 when I was still in grade school. The focus on how ham radio provided emergency communications is what spurred me to get my amateur radio license in 1971 while I was in the 8th grade.

Since then, I have been involved in public service communications of all types.
I have a buddy who left New England for Alaska in 1967-68, first as a summer job, then full-time.

His summer job was to disassemble fallen-down structures from the former town of Girdwood, which decided to resettle two miles up the road as a result of that quake. It later occurred to him that the guy that hired him had no clear title to anything and was basically stealing that wood.
I was 11 years old when that happened . It was a biggie. Earth quakes happen.