
  1. M

    My 2010 Honda Accord 2.4 (w/186k mi) acts like the torque converter is failing. What do I do?

    About a month ago my Accord starting acting very weird at low speeds (25-30mph) and lurching when the TC would normally lock up. It wasn't incredibly noticeable until I got on the highway and it wouldn't lock up at all. After looking up the symptoms, it seems like I've had a worn TC for awhile...
  2. oil pan 4

    Need more power. Honda vs predator or Honda vs bigger Honda?

    I have a Honda gx200 that powers my home made welding machine that uses an ACdelco DR44 alternator. It works great. Main problem is when I run about 120amps the engine loses speed. Turning it down to around 110amps gives reliable steady welding power. Other small problems are the welding...
  3. J

    New Fuel Filter Suspicions

    Evening all! I have just bought a brand new filter which was labelled as a "Genuine Honda Filter". It arrived in the post today and I am wondering if it has been badly handled potentially. When I took it out the packaging, I could hear something inside knocking about. It sounds like how I...
  4. R

    Will frequent oil changes compensate for bad oil?

    I use Wolfs Head Oil (0W20 FS) for both of my Hondas (‘10CRV & ,13SI), my oil change intervals are pretty much 3k/mi or every three months on the dot. The only reason I use it cause my dad always used it but I’ve come to realize it’s cause the parts store around here ran a pretty killer deal...
  5. M

    Honda CR-V 2019 1.5L patrol FWD automatic transmission change did I do it right?

    Hi, What I did was 1. Park the car on a flat surface 2. Open the check bolt(overflow drain hole above drain bolt) and drain bolt and transmission fill hole plug 3. Let the oil drain fully 4. Close the transmission drainage bolt 5. Now put in new transmission oil 3.1L oil(THE EXACT AMOUNT...
  6. E

    Full synthetic for Honda Odyssey older model(07)

    Okay full disclosure this is my first post here. I KNOW oil is a very intricate and highly debated aspect of engine performance, but I am still in the infancy of learning vehicle maintenance and repair so go easy on my naivete. My question goes slightly deeper than what's the best...
  7. Fredxt

    UOA - Honda AT5 ATF, 8600 mi, Amsoil SS ATL (2/3) + DW1 (1/3) + Shift Restore

    Here is the UOA for Honda 5 speed automatic. The car is Crv 2014 with 86k mi. I did a 3x drain n refill 8.6k mi ago with (2/3) Amsoil SS ATL and (1/3) DW1 and added HSS shift restore later (at 1 oz/qt). Comparing to other Honda ATF UOA I think the wear metals are OK, but since the milage on the...