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  1. M

    Throttle body service?

    Originally Posted By: moribundman If you can get your head in there and take a look you gotta have a head the size of an orange or eyes on stalks. Now that right there is funny, I don't care who you are....
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    Do engines even wear out any more?

    Originally Posted By: Kestas I get a kick out of the posters who are obviously anal about their oil. These people are very often the first ones to lose interest in their car long before the engine is ever able to wear out - regardless of the maintenance. You rarely read of a poster who has 200K...
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    Interesting sign

    Originally Posted By: 55 That would be even funnier if it was on exit 420. Urban Dictionary to the rescue. Much funnier now :)
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    Interesting sign

    Almost as good as the one for "Big Bone Lick" State Park (Kentucky)...
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    Brake work advice??

    Originally Posted By: Pablo Do you guys feel 100% comfortable giving brake job advice to a newbie over the internet? Everyone has to start somewhere/sometime, I guess. I mean I read some posts here and other sites, some pretty basic questions, knowing this person the next day will be monkeying...
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    It's 2008, enough carburetors already NASCAR!

    Originally Posted By: BarkerMan The best driver is not usually the winner, the luckiest driver is the winner. I disagree with that...if for no other reason than some guys have gotten 'lucky' much more consistently than others. I think driver skill is still a huge part of the sport; even so...
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    The Best workout device I have come across!!!!

    Originally Posted By: Shannow Originally Posted By: MarkC The best exercise device is the one you're born with--your body. Been looking at some of that 300 stuff...makes sense. Watched Bruce Dickinson run, jump, leap, dance and sing for two hours solid last night, and was shattered at the...
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    Go To Google

    That soldier's face is classic. Like he's got the wrong size boots on or something.
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    Hershey's Hecho En Mexico

    From what I'm told, a lot of people get the "Hersheys" in Mexico.
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    Japan Launches it's 1st scientific hunt in 30 year

    Originally Posted By: Master ACiD would you expect any less from the country that brought you toyota and honda? Not sure I understand this. Without Toyota and Honda I can't imagine what US autos would be like today. Think huge '70s-era Mercury Montegos with really skinny bias-ply tires...
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    Go To Google

    Originally Posted By: Whitewolf You wouldn't like their tax system Matt. LOL, that might be our new tax system the way things are going :) I was just thinking had there been no revolution the US and Canada would be one big country (granted independence eventually)...and perhaps the Southwest...
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    Go To Google

    Originally Posted By: tom slick Funny spoof. We'd all be speaking the Queen's English and our red white and blue would be the Union Jack if it weren't for the French. Current politics aside the French have had very powerful armies throughout history. And sometimes I wonder if that wouldn't be...
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    Go To Google

    Originally Posted By: tom slick Funny spoof. We'd all be speaking the Queen's English and our red white and blue would be the Union Jack if it weren't for the French. Current politics aside the French have had very powerful armies throughout history. Concur - it's been their employment at the...
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    Mechanic says 15k OCI on a 2007 Mini cooper?????

    Originally Posted By: Johnny I won't get involved in what oil is correct for this application as I know nothing about the new Mini's. If we were talking about the originals then that would be different as I have experience in them. However I will say as a long time member of this site that...
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    Hershey's Hecho En Mexico

    I've absolutely had enough of this [censored]. And we have no one to blame but ourselves (collectively speaking). "How do you like them apples"...not at all thank you.
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    So what did you think of the Super Bowl?

    Originally Posted By: sprintman I watched 10-15 mins but the stoppages are annoying and the game is sloooooooooow. I'll stick with AFL, non stop action from start to finish. Sprintman, here is where you've got it all wrong. The stoppages give the average bloated couch-dweller the opportunity...
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    So what did you think of the Super Bowl?

    Originally Posted By: sprintman Explain the cheating to me please. Something about the Patriots using video cams to tape the signals that an opposing team (Jets) were sending to their defensive unit. Using that info to get a leg up on them. Apparently not permitted in US Football...which is...
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    So what did you think of the Super Bowl?

    I think this was one of the best Superbowls ever because it was SMASH MOUTH FOOTBALL for 60 minutes. The Giants just outworked the Patriots at the line of scrimmage, and that was all the difference. I love knowing that all over the world people watched a real example of American Football the way...
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    Zerex DEX-COOL

    Originally Posted By: sciphi Isn't there an issue of different anti-corrosion additives between GM factory Dex and everybody else's Dex? I heard GM's was patented, and that the oil companies had to come up with their own formulations that met GM's spec, but had different additives. AFAIK...
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    Zerex DEX-COOL

    If the zerex says "Dexcool", then it is compatible with what is already in your truck. I have seen a few GMs with a pinkish Dexcool in the overflow tank, but when I bought a jug of Texaco Dexcool it was indeed orange (as was Prestone Dexcool IIRC). Just a dye issue.