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  1. P

    2024 Toyota Tundra 3.4LTT

    He’ll be showing up at the dealership every 10k miles as required by the warranty. Pretty hard to deny warranty when there’s a +100k vehicle recall and you’re showing up on schedule for maintenance. The paranoia runs deep on BITOG…
  2. P

    HVAC Problems

    Yes, although the air handler is a two-stage so no quite as variable as a whole as it could be.
  3. P

    US vs Euro 0w20 for new Kia Carnival

    Kia does a fairly good job of speaking in circles in the manual so as to not commit to allowing different viscosity oils. In one sentence they say you may need a thicker oil based on temperature and then right after that they say but using an oil other than the one recommended could cause engine...
  4. P

    US vs Euro 0w20 for new Kia Carnival

    Too bad you don't live in Tunisia...
  5. P

    HVAC Problems

    This is correct but I have to admit it as 95F here last week and it was really nice that my new unit was able to maintain 69F inside when the thermostat was set to 68F. The outside inverter compressor is capable of adjusting between 25% to 130% in 1% increments and on high load days that 130%...
  6. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    Nope, not much you can do, and while certainly not anywhere close to a majority, they are a frighteningly large percent of the population, and there is a push to expand this base, usually in the name of fundamentalist religious liberty.
  7. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    Yes, if you want to be in the top 0.1% category for just about anything, going to a prestigious university might help. My retired partner was the product of the Lawrenceville School for high school, Princeton for college, and Harvard for dental school, while I was the product of public schools...
  8. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    Without finding our way into prohibited BITOG waters that's not what I mean when I say anti-education. I'm the product of multiple public university systems and have spent a fraction on my education compared to many. You don't need to attend expensive prestigious schools to make it here in the...
  9. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    You don't have to be an economist or history professor or senior executive. You just have to understand some basic math and the concept of growth rates. As an example, if the national debt increased by 2% per year but GDP increased by 3% per year, over time, debt would become a smaller...
  10. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    Hey, I get it, although it's usually presented as the 80:20 rule. As someone in the top 1%, I got here by sheer will and grit, nothing given to me. There's a huge anti-education push right now in the US but the fact is I'm in the top 1% because of my education. There's a huge anti-science push...
  11. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    There is a significant difference in comparing people to countries. People have finite lives, specifically finite working lives, and as such they are much more sensitive to debt because at some point they have to stop servicing the debt. Countries live on and so their capacity to service debt...
  12. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    Ah...that's what you were getting at there. No doubt hyperinflation hurts the majority of Americans.
  13. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    The wealthiest 10% owns 90% of the outstanding shares of stock. How are the remaining 90% of working-class Americans being forced to "prop up" equities owning 10% of them?
  14. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    It's not a matter of being a conspiracy theorist - good or bad the data is what it is until it's not and sometimes that just takes time and/or new data to be generated. It's not a conspiracy, it's a guess, and sometimes guesses will be correct and sometimes they will be wrong, so we're left...
  15. P

    Anything holistically accurate or likely in this doom and gloom economic prediction.

    I think the point is this is specific to your area and so you need to leave your area if you want to work. This is nothing new, there are always economically disadvantaged areas. There are plenty of areas with jobs but people will have to go to them.
  16. P

    Dental Insurance - RANT

    I can even put up +300lbs for reps benching and +400lbs for reps squatting too! However, I'm pretty good pediatric dentist and I much prefer the niceties of an AC office or OR to rolling around with sweaty men. ;)
  17. P

    Dental Insurance - RANT

    Thank you, much appreciated. I make a concerted effort to wake up every day and make positive choices and some days I could still do better. Also, don't get me wrong, while I go out of my way to try and not make other people's lives unnecessarily worse, I've been told many times in life I have...
  18. P

    Dental Insurance - RANT

    I'm a pediatric dentist and I do A LOT of "pro bono work" - easily six-figures plus. Medicaid pays me about 50% of my fee and my overhead is about 50% of my fee. Many of these kids have special health needs and no one else will see them or can see them. These pictures are from last Thursday - I...
  19. P

    Dental Insurance - RANT

    A dentist is losing A LOT of money here and essentially paying the patient to get a root canal. If that takes 90 mins then he/she is collecting $161 per hour. There's at least $200 just in supplies used. Another $60 in for the 1.5 assistants' time during the 1.5 hours. This over course doesn't...
  20. P

    Mobil 1 0W-8

    The thicker viscosity statement is always in the following paragraphs. My interpretation is thicker is ok under severe use.