Converting diesel tach to Gas tach...

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Would the tach read high enough?
What engines?
Why not change the tach to one suitable for a gas engine?
If i remember correctly,it reads to 4,000.I want to use it on a 4 cyl.I have this one already,don't want to buy another one if i can just rewire it
You'll be taching it up to redline all the time!
My diesel tachs use a magnetic kick-up and an amplifier ha creates the pulses that drive the tach. How would your application pick up the signal?
If you are talking about your 22R, you may be able to pick up the signal from a terminal on the side of the coil/ignitor (used for the Gas tach)I'm not sure if the reading will be accurate (or, for that matter if it will work at all)
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