Winter maintenance for bicycles?

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Jul 6, 2011
My bikes are just leaning against the wall in the freezing cold garage, anyone do any maintenance or anything to store the bikes in the garage?
I think it's okay, except for the balmy days during the winter where water condenses from the moist air onto everything that is cold in the garage.
Bet your going to have rust issue's being exposed to the elements. If they're worth anything I'd store them inside and keep the chain and other pivot points lubed. Will make it easier getting ready for the first ride of the spring.
If its a good bike it will have almost no steel to rust anyways! One of mine is nearing 20 years old and its been stored in garage or shed for alot of that time. If all the parts that need to be lubed are lubed, it seems to be fine.
I have a fat bike that I ride all winter long. Two weekends ago, I took it for a ride while snow was falling and drove to the trail with it on the carrier on the back of my truck. After I got home, I put the bike in the garage and forgot about it. Yesterday, I took it out and the chain was a rusted mess from the melting solution they spray on the roads around here. I ended up removing the chain and shaking it in a container of Spray Nine. Thankfully, it was relatively new so it came clean. I re lubed it and put it back on the bike.
I use this weather as an opportunity to refresh my Dahon folder that I commute on. Since I don't use it when it's icy, I take it all down, service the hinge on the frame, replace the tires, brake pads, cables and whatever else it needs to give me a zero breakdown commute for the rest of the year.
My other bikes are clean and lubed enough to sit idle all winter.
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