Windows 7 updates

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Oct 11, 2002
Colorado Springs
Does anyone else have a problem with Windows update updating every time you turn on or off, your computer, and it taking FOREVER to finish?
I don't have a problem with this, also I set my computer to update around 3AM, I keep my computer on all the time using hibernate, standby, etc etc.. the computer will reboot itself if needed after an update which is nice I always know when a reboot update has been performed as the computer is at the login screen when I "wake it up"
I don't allow my computer to update automatically. It can automatically CHECK for updates, but I still have to give the OK, choose the updates, etc.
I haven't had a problem with this. I am notified of available updates. I then select the most important ones and accept them. I have had no problems with update taking such long times to be downloaded and installed. FEN
Are you sure you don't have one or more FAILED update installations and Win7 keeps trying to install them every time you turn the computer on? I've experienced this.
Originally Posted By: javacontour
I don't allow my computer to update automatically. It can automatically CHECK for updates, but I still have to give the OK, choose the updates, etc.

same here
I have had no issues with this, but my computer is also an i7 and it's fast with everything that runs on it..

I am very happy with Win7 as of right now!
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