Win 7 update keeps repeating (screenshot)

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May 9, 2003
Fayetteville, NC
So this update keeps repeating even after installing it several times. 5 min or so after installing successfully, at least according to the list of update history (see screenshot below) it is being offered again and again.

Found a FIXIT from MS windows and ran it but it did NOT fix the problem.

Win 7 Professional. 46 bit.

This is is the update that is being repeated:
Does anyone know of any fix for this?

Turn the updates OFF. The only time my WIN OS has been stable a little longer, is when I neglect the updater.
Originally Posted By: Dyusik
Turn the updates OFF. The only time my WIN OS has been stable a little longer, is when I neglect the updater.

+1. I turned my updates off a few years back. After I had a good stable version off it went. Been working well for at least 3 years now.
First, you should NOT turn off Windows updates. Most are security updates without which you reduce the security of your machine and increase the chances you'll get hit with malware/trojans/backdoors etc. As MS finds these vulnerabilities they make a patch and that becomes a security update.

To turn off updates selectively, yours is one of several reasons you might need to do this, just right click on it and choose "Hide". You won't be offered that update again.

This update has been a headache for many it appears. Do a search for kb2952664 and you'll see what I mean.

Here's a good example and a good article, Windows nagware patches KB 2952664 and KB 2976978 install repeatedly
Originally Posted By: rshaw125
Originally Posted By: Dyusik
Turn the updates OFF. The only time my WIN OS has been stable a little longer, is when I neglect the updater.

+1. I turned my updates off a few years back. After I had a good stable version off it went. Been working well for at least 3 years now.

Sure, let's close our eyes and all the bad stuff out there will just magically disappear.
Originally Posted By: 97tbird
This is is the update that is being repeated:
Does anyone know of any fix for this?

After Update compiles its list, click on the link that says "x important updates are available". Then uncheck the repeating one and click the "OK" button at the bottom of the window, then click the Install updates" button.
Ignore the first two replies - they're woefully uninformed and dangerous.

I had this issue last year and a found the solution with a quick search on sevenforums.

For the past 6-7 years I've opted to select my own updates, especially now that Windows tries to update drivers that may not need to be updated or will be updated improperly, like my video driver.

IMO, the only time Windows updates should be set to download and install automatically, is for users who either don't know what they're doing or can't be relied upon to ensure the updates are applied in a timely manner.
Thanks all.

I will NEVER turn updates off.
Thanks to those who thought likewise.

I don't have Win set to DL *AND* install automatically.
I have it set to "DL but let me choose/decide if I want to install or not" option.

So this update just kept being offered. (DL'd and offers to be installed)

I right-clicked and selected "hide update" for now.
Will wait a while and see what happens.
You're lucky that that isn't a security update. I bet if you dig into the details of it which leads you to the MS site you probably don't need that update, so you'll be fine to uncheck it.

Regardless what you can do is reset your update status.

- Temporarily turn off automatic updates to 'never check'
- at start menu type 'cmd' then right click 'command prompt' and 'run as administrator'
- type cleanmgr -sageset:0 - choose everything related to windows updates, it's also fine to choose everything except 'ESD installation files', the more you choose the longer it runs, it can take an hour on my old Core 2 with an SSD
- type cleanmgr -sagerun:0 - at start menu, type 'services', find 'Windows Update' service and right click to stop.
- go to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\
- delete all folders
- Start 'Windows Update' service, put your automatic update setting back to whatever it was
- reboot, check for updates, again, it can/may take awhile... 30 mins+
Don't know if this is your problem but, I have Win 7 home version and I noticed that updates that ran automatically when I would shut down the system would sometimes fail (and be backed out) on the reboot with no reason given as to why.

So whenever I notice there are updates,I go into the control panel and run them manually from there and have not had any problems since. Weird I know, but rather than spending hours searching for "problems with Win 7 updates" I just do them manually from the control panel.

Just to clarify. I DO have automatic updates turned on so I get them automatically from MS, but I install them manually from the control panel rather than at shutdown.
Originally Posted By: gathermewool
Ignore the first two replies - they're woefully uninformed and dangerous.

I had this issue last year and a found the solution with a quick search on sevenforums.

For the past 6-7 years I've opted to select my own updates, especially now that Windows tries to update drivers that may not need to be updated or will be updated improperly, like my video driver.

IMO, the only time Windows updates should be set to download and install automatically, is for users who either don't know what they're doing or can't be relied upon to ensure the updates are applied in a timely manner.

Nonsense. I have had zero problems of any kind. Install this install that. Don't shut it down, installing more updates. Best thing I ever did was to turn them off and leave them off.
Originally Posted By: Oldmoparguy1
I ALWAYS have auto update turned off. I have inform me selected, then I manually select which updates to install.

That's exactly how I have set mine.
Originally Posted By: rshaw125
Originally Posted By: gathermewool
Ignore the first two replies - they're woefully uninformed and dangerous.

I had this issue last year and a found the solution with a quick search on sevenforums.

For the past 6-7 years I've opted to select my own updates, especially now that Windows tries to update drivers that may not need to be updated or will be updated improperly, like my video driver.

IMO, the only time Windows updates should be set to download and install automatically, is for users who either don't know what they're doing or can't be relied upon to ensure the updates are applied in a timely manner.

Nonsense. I have had zero problems of any kind. Install this install that. Don't shut it down, installing more updates. Best thing I ever did was to turn them off and leave them off.

That practice may be perfectly fine for you, but doling out this type of advice to the general interweb population seems pretty cavalier.

Again, many of the updates are for security, not just stability and other UI updates.
Originally Posted By: rshaw125
Originally Posted By: gathermewool
Ignore the first two replies - they're woefully uninformed and dangerous.

I had this issue last year and a found the solution with a quick search on sevenforums.

For the past 6-7 years I've opted to select my own updates, especially now that Windows tries to update drivers that may not need to be updated or will be updated improperly, like my video driver.

IMO, the only time Windows updates should be set to download and install automatically, is for users who either don't know what they're doing or can't be relied upon to ensure the updates are applied in a timely manner.

Nonsense. I have had zero problems of any kind. Install this install that. Don't shut it down, installing more updates. Best thing I ever did was to turn them off and leave them off.


works for me, therefor it will work for everyone!
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