Ultrasonic cleaner question

Mar 31, 2010
I've been browsing ultrasonic cleaners (cheap ones on the jungle site) and from the same brand, I see that they offer two configurations, both "360w" One has 6 60w transducers and the other has 2 if I'm seeing it right.. Would both yield similar results having the same total power, would the one with the 2 higher output transducers be better or would the one with more transducers give the "best results"?
Eric, what is it you want to clean? for larger stuff the more transducers the better for smaller more concentrated parts like injectors less and more more powerful ones are required. I use high output 3 transducer sweep cleaner, one smaller one with a 650W single sweep transducer and no heat function for injectors.
General use I suppose. Typically small part from small engine carbs (and the occasional auto carb) plus a variety of generally small bits and pieces. But I'd like the flexibility to do larger parts from time to time.
Generally, the number of transducers is associated with the size of the tub. I have a 6L 180W one and it works great, had it a couple of years. One with a drain and a heater is what you want. Don't put AL in them, for very long anyway. They will absolutely ruin a modern AL small engine carb if left for very long.
General use I suppose. Typically small part from small engine carbs (and the occasional auto carb) plus a variety of generally small bits and pieces. But I'd like the flexibility to do larger parts from time to time.
I would look for something from Sharpertek, the Stamina XP are USA made and decent quality, my oldest one is 12 years old and is used daily, it is still strong. This one, not the cheapest but it will last and it has sweep, out of stock at the moment but it wont take long before it is in stock again. If doing aluminum use a aluminum safe cleaner and use a fine mesh basket.

If you get one from Amazon, make sure to get the warranty if available. They will break, leak, stop buzzing, etc.
I would look for something from Sharpertek, the Stamina XP are USA made and decent quality, my oldest one is 12 years old and is used daily, it is still strong. This one, not the cheapest but it will last and it has sweep, out of stock at the moment but it wont take long before it is in stock again. If doing aluminum use a aluminum safe cleaner and use a fine mesh basket.

I'd really like one of those, but it'd be oh so hard to justify! I'll have to think on it... Thank you for the recommendation.