Two2cool additive

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Feb 15, 2005
Thunder Bay, Ont, Canada
Did the Canadian 151 Hooch finally hit Florida?
Heard this stuff is possible cure for cancer and has been known to split atoms.
...Heard it will make some thingies bigger, If anyone knows it will, I might buy a case.


Don't confuse progress with innovation!
Addresses engine cooling in a whole new way...

Instantly drops engine oil temps, 40 to 60 degrees

Clicky here on [URL=''] link[/URL]
actually there correct, to add it you have to allow your radiatior to cool down before you open it up, when you put it in the temp will be much cooler than when the engine was last running.
ummm, this stuff goes in the oil, not in the coolant just FYI.

It also cures male pattern baldness, impotence, replaces most vitamins / minerals and cures what ails ya
haha i didnt even bother to read the site, i also hear that this stuff makes it so you never need to change your oil again, makes a I4 grow 2 cylinders to become a I6, makes a V6 into a V8. and it even helps "erectile disfunction"
Hello....I'm shocked that Russel Clay hasn't been here yet..He is the main guy behind the product.
On other boards when he gets pushed in a corner with questions the pusher gets the boot..I suppose two2cool hands lots of cash to some forums.
I suppose if you had a 2 stoke engine running a lean oil mix then put ANY tpye lubs in, it would run cooler but not 60F less. Bad testing data would perfer a controled dyno stand for testing.
Well if Russel Clay was here first thing he would say is...It works as we say and you all have agenda against us....IMO TWO2COOL is bogus
i tried to buy a bottle, but i got a freeze burn on my hand when i picked up the bottle. it's so cold!!! wow, it's freezing...
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