Trouble Finding My Posts and No Notifications to Replies..

Sep 5, 2017
Hi, I hope this is the proper place for this post.

Having two problems here: (1) I'm not sure how to find the posts I've made, and (2) it seems I don't get notifications (email messages, etc.) when there are replies or comments to my posts . . . can anyone here help with this, please?
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Ok, Thx men...I think (?) I have it set now . . . . (who is getting more & more complex, and this site has 19 [at least] ways that it can notify ["Alert"] us)....
Click on your screen name in the information bar on the top, then click on your screenname in the pulldown. This should bring up your posts and "likes".
Yep, and it should look similar to this. You can find all your content - ie, posts and threads you started (if you have).

I was having trouble finding my posts this morning too! But after I turned on my laptop and had my first cup of Columbian Supremo it all seemed to clear up!
Yes thank everyone, but I am still really struggling to navigate this site...I am nearly 100% of the time visiting here from my laptop, and it looks nothing like the above post graphic from ZeeOsix when I click on my name. Extremely frustrating as at my age and the 'busy-ness' of my life, I cannot afford the time expense of searching all over the place (site/pages) each time I visit here...I want SOOOO badly to be involved here - I just don't have time to play around...

Thx again to all..
Do this on a computer, which is much easier to do than a on cell phone.
You need to click on your username, and this will show up.

Then on that window, you need to click on you username again, and this will show up.
Then click on "Find all threads by GreasyG".