Does anyone have any success with TransGo Shift Improvement Kits?
Vehicle is a 2012 Hyundai Elantra Wagon 2.0 Beta /4spd auto with 76K Miles on it.
Here you can find the instructions for the valve body modification. I am experiencing all of the issues they say the improvement kit will solve. I remember seeing the Brand in a reputable transmission shop connected to a shop I worked at several years ago.
I am trying to assess whether it is worth my time given the condition of the transmission as the repair is quite involved and time consuming for DIY.
This transmission makes a ton of black clutch material debris. Every-time I pull its dipstick it leaves black skid marks on the paper towel next to clean Red ATF. I had another Kia product with the same family of transmission and it did not do this.
Below is the pan filter I pulled out of it about a year ago. History of this transmission is that at 33K miles when I bought it, the Trans fluid was a little low and lost its color already. Shifting has never been great on this vehicle. Have done a few drain and re-fills since and last time I dropped the pan and changed the filter, almost seems worse now.
Would you attempt the repair?
Vehicle is a 2012 Hyundai Elantra Wagon 2.0 Beta /4spd auto with 76K Miles on it.
Here you can find the instructions for the valve body modification. I am experiencing all of the issues they say the improvement kit will solve. I remember seeing the Brand in a reputable transmission shop connected to a shop I worked at several years ago.
I am trying to assess whether it is worth my time given the condition of the transmission as the repair is quite involved and time consuming for DIY.
This transmission makes a ton of black clutch material debris. Every-time I pull its dipstick it leaves black skid marks on the paper towel next to clean Red ATF. I had another Kia product with the same family of transmission and it did not do this.
Below is the pan filter I pulled out of it about a year ago. History of this transmission is that at 33K miles when I bought it, the Trans fluid was a little low and lost its color already. Shifting has never been great on this vehicle. Have done a few drain and re-fills since and last time I dropped the pan and changed the filter, almost seems worse now.
Would you attempt the repair?