TransGo Shift Improvement Kits

Jan 20, 2012
Does anyone have any success with TransGo Shift Improvement Kits?

Vehicle is a 2012 Hyundai Elantra Wagon 2.0 Beta /4spd auto with 76K Miles on it.

Here you can find the instructions for the valve body modification. I am experiencing all of the issues they say the improvement kit will solve. I remember seeing the Brand in a reputable transmission shop connected to a shop I worked at several years ago.

I am trying to assess whether it is worth my time given the condition of the transmission as the repair is quite involved and time consuming for DIY.

This transmission makes a ton of black clutch material debris. Every-time I pull its dipstick it leaves black skid marks on the paper towel next to clean Red ATF. I had another Kia product with the same family of transmission and it did not do this.

Below is the pan filter I pulled out of it about a year ago. History of this transmission is that at 33K miles when I bought it, the Trans fluid was a little low and lost its color already. Shifting has never been great on this vehicle. Have done a few drain and re-fills since and last time I dropped the pan and changed the filter, almost seems worse now.

Would you attempt the repair?

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Does anyone have any success with TransGo Shift Improvement Kits?
I can only speak on my experience with their product in American transmissions. I have installed two kits into two GM THM400s and one into a Chrysler A727. The TransGo product is an excellent, well engineered kit (for those transmissions) and they have been in business a long time. As noted by the poster above, the instructions are always excellent.

I should add, I have only installed shift kits, whether they were TransGo or B&M (another one I like) into healthy transmissions. I have never tried them to save a failing transmission. I am not saying that won't work, I am just saying I have not done that and have no information on that aspect of using a shift kit.
I use TransGo products often, Works well for the most part.

Nothing is going to fix a burnt clutch outside of a rebuild along with an investigation into WHY it burnt.

Shift correction kits are usually installed during the rebuild process but can be installed in healthy units.....People love to run a automatics 'til they have no choice but to fix it or get another vehicle.
The Firebird in my signature has a shift kit installed from the factory when the car was built.
Sadly it’s a THM200 3 speed automatic instead of the THM350 that it should have gotten from the get go.
This shift kit has firm/positive shifts and has most likely allowed this tranny to last the 44 years that I have owned the car since new. Not that I have ever abused the car but every once in a while, I like to do a WOT acceleration.
I drive the car responsibly like a human being with only some aggressive driving on a back road and the car only sees ~1000 miles during our spring-summer- autumn (~6months).
I've used a Transgo shift kit in a Subaru 5EAT with 242,000 km.
It had old fluid but there was rtv on the pan, so this had been changed once.
Trans was not behaving and I thought it was toast.
Transgo shift kit and a full flush and filter have been miraculous. It works better than it ever did.
I did it over two weekends and it was very straight forward with good instructions.
I say if you have any friction material left try it. The kit is cheap and easy to install.
But be prepared to do a reset relearn.
Transgo and Sonnax are two great companies. I'd say give it a shot. At best you fix it and at worst you are going to need a rebuild anyway. It is worth a shot.

I've installed a couple shift improvement kits and sometimes you get options for the shift firmness. If you are given a choice I'd stick with a more OEM shift firmness level versus a "firm" or "race" style shifts only because this transmission is used. If it were during a rebuild put some upgraded clutches in there and go nuts.
I use TransGo products often, Works well for the most part.

Nothing is going to fix a burnt clutch outside of a rebuild along with an investigation into WHY it burnt.

Shift correction kits are usually installed during the rebuild process but can be installed in healthy units.....People love to run a automatics 'til they have no choice but to fix it or get another vehicle.
Well yeah, it's gotta be taken apart the same amount regardless whether she's fried or just a little shaken up.