Thread for photos that 100% do not violate any Terms Of Service, not political, not too lewd, no gas price pics etc.

Healthy? Maybe not but I enjoy a 8oz glass daily. Yeah, I’m oddd or weird.


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The British Royals enjoy doing cosplay. That's the globus cruciger (orb and cross representing Christian authority over the world) in Charles's left paw. It's one of the primary crown jewels. It reminds me of the James Bond's family motto 'Orbis non sufficit' which coincidentally translates into 'The world is not enough.' This motto was used as a title for a Bond movie in 1999. That's all the trivia I can come up with right now unless anyone wants to hear about Jon Dee, the original British spy, and his interesting signature that looked like 007.
Why so many vehicles?
I love my vehicles Jim lol. Gotta get all the old vehicles in the world before they go bye bye for reasons we can’t talk about haha. Mostly keep this around because it’s the rare solar yellow color. This was the least produced color. Probably going to get a new engine eventually. This one’s done for I think. Engine first then redo the entire brake system and I think it will be set.
I love my vehicles Jim lol. Gotta get all the old vehicles in the world before they go bye bye for reasons we can’t talk about haha. Mostly keep this around because it’s the rare solar yellow color. This was the least produced color. Probably going to get a new engine eventually. This one’s done for I think. Engine first then redo the entire brake system and I think it will be set.
WOW 😮😮😮😮😳😳
I had one way back in the very early 80s new... If I remember correctly it was a 360???
Loved it..
I bought this "full power" turd in the day for covered bridge jumping amongst other

I didn't attend my graduation but was out front with my gf of the time Susan turfing the schools front yard... It was a tradition then. Later it was my Halloween car.
My father said you ain't parking this at the house no
I sold it to a buddy who drove it from MD. To Colorado and back and I bought it back and resold it again... Youthful folly.

Interesting photograph. I love these simple slices of American life from the last century, especially from my early teens through my mid-twenties. The newest car I see here is a 1965 model. Where'd you find the picture?

Darn! I'm old enough now to have been from the previous century. That feels a bit strange when said (written) out loud.
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