Things to do in Austin, TX on Aussie V8 weekend?

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Jun 3, 2005
Santa Barbara, CA
A friend and I are going to the Aussie V8 Supercar race in Austin in May. Besides going to COTA on Fri, Sat, and Sun, we were looking for some things to do. I noticed the Rangers are playing at home that weekend, so we might catch a game one night. Having a rental car is still up in the air since we are staying at the Airport Hilton and they have a shuttle to COTA. We get there Thursday afternoon and fly out Monday afternoon.

The race should be fun since I am a Ford fanboy, and he bought a G8 because it is a Holden Commodore.
*If you go party on 6th Street, don't get too carried away- or you'll probably get carried away by the law.
Some get the idea that anything goes, & that ain't true.

*BBQ- there are some great places in town or nearby, the best are the equal of any BBQ *anywhere*. Some have become near-legends. I think The Pit was one, iIrc it's a few miles out of town. My advice on specific places otherwise is dated. Look & ask around, I bet you'll find something excellent.

*Mexican Food- while San Antonio probably has the very best, Austin has some excellent places with near legendary local status too. Where? Same plan as BBQ.

*Live music- Austin is famous(or infamous, if you prefer!
) as the Live Music center of Texas. Remember, it's a big college town as well as the State Capitol. Any genre you can think of, with quality ranging from horrible to excellent, it's there *somewhere*- if you can find it.

Look for internet ads & local papers on what's going on for that weekend- if the old uber-conterculture Austin Chronicle is still around in either paper or Inet form, it would be a good place to start looking. In fact, before you go Google "Austin Chronicle", Austin Weekend(s), etc, & you'll probably come up with more than you can do in a month.

And may I say in advance: Welcome to Texas, hope you have a great time!
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