Strap a camera to your cat and post video on youtube. Cha-Ching?

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC
Kinda genius idea, and sorta interesting. Watching the world through a cat's eyes. While you're away at work, the cat creates content for free. Well, not really free, you have to feed them, but you would be doing that anyway. How much money can they be making?

Short video:

Long one:

Trying figure where in the country this may be. Everything is sooo green, the yards are well kept and the neighborhood is nice and quiet, except for the lawn mowers. And I do hear a train in the background occasionally. Sort of anytown USA.
One of our 3 cats lives 50% in our house and 50% next door as they have no kids and I think he appreciates the peace and quiet over there with their 3 cats. :ROFLMAO:

Not sure they'd like if he turned up snooping around their house with a camera around his collar. :ROFLMAO:
BBC did this years ago. It was quite uninteresting to me to watch the footage but I'm sure there are quite a few people that will watch these youtube videos.
We used have an outdoor only tomcat. Well he chose to hang around our house. If a camera was mounted to him I’m sure it would have been rated R for violence. He literally killed something every single day and drug it back home. Many times he would show up looking like he lost a fight with a weed eater and once even had the paw of one of his victims stuck by the claws in his shoulder. Toughest animal I’ve ever seen.
We used have an outdoor only tomcat. Well he chose to hang around our house. If a camera was mounted to him I’m sure it would have been rated R for violence. He literally killed something every single day and drug it back home. Many times he would show up looking like he lost a fight with a weed eater and once even had the paw of one of his victims stuck by the claws in his shoulder. Toughest animal I’ve ever seen.
You had better keep him in the house for the neighbors sake.