Songs with hokey sound effects

Another brick in the wall with the megaphone and the chopper - bad

Toy piano in Neil Diamond's Shilo - good

Ringo Hammering on an anvil in Maxwell's Silver Hammer - it's silly song anyway

The motorcycle revving up, then a car peeling out on The Gap Band's
Burn Rubber on Me
- Forgiven! the song has a killer groove to get that booty moving!
Bull whip* and horse galloping from Aerosmith's Back in the Saddle.
I had read recently that the band couldn't get a big whip to crack in the studio, and some guys even got welts and cuts trying, so they ended up whipping a long mic cord around and then splicing in a "snap" of a cap gun to that effect.
The beginning is a car horn, played backwards
Wow, Good one!

Now that you mention it, I wondered what that was for certain.

45 years ago I said to myself that is not a synth sound, maybe a traffic horn doppler effect with the tape gradually slowed and some reverb added in.

Not "Hokey" for sure though
Hokey sound effects.
Hokey acting.
Hokey video in general, makes no sense whatsoever!

But it's a great song if you listen to it without the video. ;)
