Replacing a stolen calculator

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Jan 4, 2011
I had my Ti 30XS calculator stolen this morning and the school faculty member that was the ONLY one in the room besides myself denies even seeing it. Strange since we were using it together. I accidently left it on the table and left. Came back 2 hours later and it was gone. We were the only ones that were signed in the room this morning. SOOOO! I need to replace it before finals. Are there any good competitors to the TI 30XS? Suggestions for a good unit?
I may just go with a TI 30XS again. The thing was a joy to use. I could knock out problems quite quickly.

Thank you for the offer barlwc
You can get the TI-30X IIS. I have that one and what I like about it is the 2 line display. Its nice since you can see what you entered. It is also dual battery/solar powered.

If you want a really basic one then you can check out the Casio fx-260, it is solar powered so no need to worry about batteries. Very basic and inexpensive. It has rubber keys which feels nice to the touch.

I have a TI-83 plus and its nice but some instructors don't let you use it on exams.
My professor says no programable calculators. I have a newish TI 84 XX that I'd LOVE to use but prof said NOPE! I catch any student with one during a test I will FAIL YOU!. Thus getting the 30xs..
For a $15 calculator why would you even write to assume a school faulty member would even care about it.
Just to steal it.. It is common around here..If it AIN'T NAILED DOWN.... There is more "iffy" people than ANYWHERE else I've been.. HECK, the financial aid advisor TOOK $894 of my scholarship money. I was reviewing the statements and saw the money disappear and had to fight tooth and nail for the "HEAD" supervisor to look into it on a Friday afternoon. On Monday I had a check for $894 waiting for me to pick it up. They just TRANSFERED mr BOZO to different department. THEY DID NOT FIRE HIM. I'm one of 30k students here.. if he sees only 500 of them.. uuumm you do the math and it isn't chump change. I JUST CAUGHT THAT sorry scum.. other students never even give it a second thought I guess.

I had a voicemail from the Att General about the matter today. FINALLY , only took 6 months
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Finals will be coming soon, leaves little time to learn any new keystrokes etc with a new calc. It's probably best to get what you're familiar with- but *Don't* leave the new one laying around anywhere. If it ain't on the desk in front of you, it should be in your pocket or backpack.
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