Redline oil moves operations to Texas & Tennessee

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I wanted to share a little anecdote about Redline and how they listen to their customers. A few years ago I complained to Redline that the neck on the bottle of Sl-1 was too thick and consequently would not go down far enough to depress the misfuelling flap on my gas tank. Within a couple of days I got an email from RL saying they redesigned the bottle with a thinner neck and asked me to try it out. They sent the bottle along with a "S" shaped funnel.

A++ customer service from them.
So they are blending in tennessee now? @Foxtrot08 got anything to add here?
I was told by an employee of Redline directly that they are in fact moving blending ops from Cali to somewhere in Tennessee. Said person didn’t get specific with exact city it’s in. Happened a few weeks ago allegedly.
They have not been owned by Phillips66 for a long time.

Phillips 66 has owned redline for 10 years. That's a pretty long time in my book.

Phillips 66 bought Spectrum in 2014 which is how they acquired it. Spectrum is the operation in Tennessee and is where the Redline production has been relocated.
Anything changing with their oils that you know of?

No formulation changes at all.

Simply better distribution and a newer blending facility / lab. Also, lower cost due to easier logistics and… bluntly, not being in CA. Being an oil company in CA right now, is not politically friendly.

But significantly easier logistics to P66 CWD. (central warehouse distribution) that’s in IL. Significantly easier logistics for additives and base oils.

They did a lot of upgrades in the moving process as well for more exact blends, being able to do larger batches. And a newer lab for testing. Which means we should be getting PDS changes more often.
Phillips 66 has owned redline for 10 years. That's a pretty long time in my book.

Phillips 66 bought Spectrum in 2014 which is how they acquired it. Spectrum is the operation in Tennessee and is where the Redline production has been relocated.
Changes within Philips 66. They obviously wanted initially to keep RL for what it is. Different leadership, different decisions.
Changes within Philips 66. They obviously wanted initially to keep RL for what it is. Different leadership, different decisions.

The big changes will be later this year / next year in P66.

There’s a ton of changes happening in P66 currently. Not so much product changes. Some sku discontinuation on package sizes and products that consumers don’t really see. Like no more buckets of GLW460 being offered. A lot of 35lb pails of greases being discontinued. Etc.
I wonder if Roy is still there and whether he drives the formulation philosophy still........
There’s a lot of people in this thread that think they know what’s going on, and who’s who at the zoo…

Also, in this thread, someone who had 2 days worth of meetings with the #3 guy in P66 lubricants and on down.

I wouldn’t say it’s penny pinching. I would say it’s a move to better suit the market. Freight and transport is tragically expensive. Being near your main CWD helps. Being centrally located for materials helps a lot. Being in a newer facility with better technology helps.

Yeah, Redline is a minor distraction for P66. It’s generally run hands off, however. So that’s a positive. It’s still run, generally hands off. I have an email out to someone important there asking a few questions. I’ll get some answers.
I've removed the petty bickering and off topic posts.

Topic ends here. Unfortunately. Too much of the above.

Thanks to the folks who read and contributed to the topic.
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