Ransomware Attack Affects Parts & Service Network for 15,000 Auto Dealerships

Crown Equipment ( makers of Forklifts, etc) is Currently not operating at all because of a Similar thing with their Systems. They've actually been down a week or more, but just went public with it today. ( i knew about it shortly after it happened, because i know some Current and Former Employees. )
EVERYTHING was encrypted, and all Backups Deleted I heard from an Inside IT source.
I know More, but don't want to get anyone into trouble with the company.

I hope that the CDK issues don't hinder my GF's Parents quest to resurrect her brother's old Civic for him..
It's been sitting at their place at least 5 years. They're Trying to get it going again, as he Sold off his Current car to pay off some back Child Support, and at the Moment he and wifey are down to just 1 car, and she's interviewing for a job 30-ish Mi from where they live...
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I wonder how many Billions $ this cost and will cost.

I wonder how many other industries are equally vulnerable and don't know it.

I wonder how often this happens - like @earlyre just posted, and the general public never hears about it?
I wonder how many Billions $ this cost and will cost.

I wonder how many other industries are equally vulnerable and don't know it.

I wonder how often this happens - like @earlyre just posted, and the general public never hears about it?
My career was in Semiconductor Mfg Equipment; the capital equipment that TSMC, Intel, Samsung, etc use to produce chips from wafers.
A single fab costs billions to bring up. We were held contractually to be up and given we were in CA (earthquakes and fires) we had to demonstrate our fail over capabilities for our critical software business applications. That meant parts of SAP (spare parts mainly, but some production as well) and my custom corporate forecast and statistical analytics application (deemed mission critical).

They would kill power to the computer room building and fail over to backup power, which had a big diesel generator. We had 45 minutes to bring up the identified software apps. Guess which one passed muster? It wasn't the mega million SAP beast. My apps took minutes as I failed over to a redundant SQL Server in Oregon based on a simple script that ran automatically. My design worked; SAP was a big fat expensive failure. And when HQ was restored, my script rolled all the transactions back to the master dB in San Jose.
That must be be super fun for the IT department. I had to clean up ransomware from a smaller ~20-ish law firm once that got into their backups.... That was not exciting at all, but very eye opening.
These attacks on American businesses should be treated no differently than armed robbery, or terrorist activity resulting in full blown reaction at the highest levels. Including military response.

Putting 15K businesses in peril effecting hundreds of thousands of people is basically an act of war.
Down all day today too. Apparently all GM dealers.
Just ones that use CDK. The GM dealer here uses Quorum which is the Yugo of dealer management companies. Apparently there was another attack overnight. People I know on CDK have been told they will be back up today (not likely) or back up possibly in a week or two (more likely).
We are still down too. All the neighboring dealerships and shops are closed. Except us lol. But it hasn’t been busy at all it does suck operating like this though. The ones around are closed yesterday thru tomorrow. I wish we were because then they would have to pay us 8 hours each day lol. We can’t see appointments, can’t sell cars because the finance stuff and other stuff is run through there. Can’t bill parts or have hours billed to us or anything like that. I was talking to my buddies in Florida and Indiana and they are also closed because they can’t do anything. Nobody keeps the paper forms around except us apparently haha.
We are still down too. All the neighboring dealerships and shops are closed. Except us lol. But it hasn’t been busy at all it does suck operating like this though. The ones around are closed yesterday thru tomorrow. I wish we were because then they would have to pay us 8 hours each day lol. We can’t see appointments, can’t sell cars because the finance stuff and other stuff is run through there. Can’t bill parts or have hours billed to us or anything like that. I was talking to my buddies in Florida and Indiana and they are also closed because they can’t do anything. Nobody keeps the paper forms around except us apparently haha.
Seems like a good time to work on the Beetle 🤔
Just a theory 😉