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Oct 4, 2005
West, Ky.
Just out of curiosity, what programming languages does everyone here know ?
1. C++
2. C
3. Visual Basic
4. Perl
5. Java - Still learning.
I'm seasoned in 1,2,3, a bit of 4, and a bit of 5.

Also, not to reveal my true age: I also seasoned with Fortran and a bit of Cobol.

I learned a good bit of VB in the late 90`s. I was a pro in DOS 5.0 era QBASIC, which was in my pre-teen years. I doubt if much of it would come back to me now, my brain has atrophied lol
COBOL, with and without CICS.
Some Pascal
Some Assembler
Some RPGII (but I swore I'd go on welfare before I ever coded in that "language" again).

SQL, in DB2 and Sybase.
Various assembly languages, but haven't done that in 20 or so years.

C, C++
Java and various shell scripting languages.
Just enough COBOL and Fortran to be dangerous.

I was in Sun's first class of instructors to be certified to teach Java.

I amassed a ton of frequent flyer miles teaching Java from 1996 until 2000.
My wife is a programmer for the VA hospital system. This same programming is also used in a lot of health care systems all over the U.S. and Canada.
It's a language that most have never heard of and you probably can't go to college to learn it.
She's used this language for 20+ years.
What the heck. She like it and it pays some bills.
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Originally Posted By: uc50ic4more
Uh... [looks at ground, kicks some sand around with shoes]... I know PHP and some Python... Oh, and some javascript, bash scripting and some SQL syntax, too! :^)

I know. I know.
But it's what they use and she has to run with it.
Originally Posted By: pidster
I learned a good bit of VB in the late 90`s. I was a pro in DOS 5.0 era QBASIC, which was in my pre-teen years. I doubt if much of it would come back to me now, my brain has atrophied lol

Same here, QBASIC GURU, LOL!

I took C++ and Java at University, but not using them.... I've forgot a LOT.
Originally Posted By: PandaBear
C is my first language, then assembly, then English....

Lol, I like that
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