Power Washer fell into pool while running

Oct 8, 2011
So my FIL was power washing this concrete pool deck a month ago.
The power washer was running/vibrating and walked itself over the ledge of the pool.
He told me he couldn't start it afterwards.

Well we finally made the 11hr trip to visit and this is what we've got.

Drained the oil and it was mostly water with a little bit of gray milky oil.

I filled it with the only oil I could find in the garage, some used oil that I drained out of his garden tractor last year.🤣

Dumped out the gas tank which was full and didn't really smell like gas at all.
Took off the carb bowl and let the "fuel" drain with the valve open.
Dried up the rest of the tank with paper towels.
Filled with fresh gas.

Pull cord would not budge at all, piston rusted/seized. Sprayed some wd40 into piston and let it sit for 10 mins. Still wouldn't budge.
Took a long screwdriver and gently hammered the top of piston through the plug hole.
Finally a got a bit of movement and worked it back and forth until it made a full revolution. Yay.
Pulled for a few minutes to get all the liquid of the cylinder.

Tried to start it. Wouldn't pop at all even on starter fluid. Plug wet. Shoved a length of paper towel down the hole a few times to soak up more stuff.

Finally got it to pop and start. I'm surprised it didn't hydrolock and break a rod.

Air filter had collapsed...must have saved it and stopped the engine before water entered the cylinder while it was still running...

It runs great now...How many times should I change the oil after this?

Other than replacing the air filter anything else I should do?
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Yeah get a new FIL

Seriously new oil, fresh gas, plug, filter. Then change again soon

New hydro oil because never been changed

Run it for awhile

Wow though… how was the pool water and treatment system?
Pool water looks great.
I asked if it had film of oil on top after the event and he said no.
I think he pulled it out of the pool within 30 seconds or so.
May have to just drain it through the fill hole if there is no drain plug. Run it for a few hours then get some new oil in it. You could buy some Marine oil for this next run or sounds like from this point on.. ;)
It would be interesting to split the case, capture all the fluid, measure it (minus the water), then reseal it with permatex (grey or black).
Get some ST 80w90 for just under $6 at Walmart. You are only out that plus a tube of permatex ($7).

I dont think I would run it without attempting that, but I also dont know what "throw away" means when it comes to buying a new one. I would like to know that $$$ info if anyone has done it before.
10mm about mid way on the pump vertical side. Pull that and suck the fluid out. Replace with 80w90 gear oil or 15w40 like my Simpson calls for.
Post number 4, second picture. That looks like a fill plug to my eyes
