Planet Venus in the SE sky this morning

Jan 9, 2010
Los Gatos, CA
The crescent moon and Regalus star were clearly visible in the clear cool South-East sky this morning, along with the planet Venus.
Whipped out my Google phone camera and upped the zoom to 20x.
Venus is currently about 55.9M miles away from us, so I am seeing it as it was about 3 to 4 minutes ago. I think...

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is a rocky planet, and the only one with a mass and size that is close to that of our own Earth.

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I noticed the moon under venus at about 530 this morning - it was spectacular through the mountain clouds.

I went for a late long walk by the Bay and Canal last night and saw Jupiter rise followed by the Star Link train from the opposite direction, 3 tug and barge combos, a trawler and the railroad lift bridge operate. A nerd/gearhead superfecta!