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May 10, 2007
my XP 2000 that i use is still working 100% ..the scanner ..the printer also work ..i did not upgrade to VISTA-7-8 or the new 10 ..has anybody got an idea how much longer my system will work ..i hate to join the RAT race ..
It will continue to work, but Microsoft stopped supporting it with security updates a year ago. Is this machine connected to the Internet? You will be more likely to get hacked or whatever by using XP. If it's not connected to the net then don't worry about it.
I would use Firefox or Chrome so you get security updates as long as possible for your browser. Over time new applications & hardware will not support Win XP.

Given that you can get a laptop for $200 - $300 that runs Win 8 (and soon Win 10) I am not sure why people cling onto Win XP.
It will continue to work as if nothing ever happened. Only thing that will change is let's say someone hypothetically found a massive back door into the OS and they where aloud to keylog or install viruses without triggering your anti virus. Microsoft would not patch it.

This by all means is a worst case what if. After this long tho I don't feel there is a massive security risk with running XP as a personal home computer.

As long as your not running servers on it (very uncommon anyways) or your bank using it as their ATM's OS you should be fine.

With a properly configured Firewall and a up to date Anti-virus you have nothing to worry about. Over time as XP users dwindle people with malicious intent will stop targeting it in favor of a more widely used OS.

If paranoid check out Sandboxie. Its proven software with an excellent track record.

If seen people intall 100+ malware/virus programs and sandboxie handled it like a champ.
Originally Posted By: browning300wsm
my XP 2000 that i use is still working 100% ..the scanner ..the printer also work ..i did not upgrade to VISTA-7-8 or the new 10 ..has anybody got an idea how much longer my system will work ..i hate to join the RAT race ..

until 2019, just update the registry to continue to receive updates


xp is still used, believe it or not, in banks ect
Originally Posted By: 2004tdigls
Originally Posted By: browning300wsm
my XP 2000 that i use is still working 100% ..the scanner ..the printer also work ..i did not upgrade to VISTA-7-8 or the new 10 ..has anybody got an idea how much longer my system will work ..i hate to join the RAT race ..

until 2019, just update the registry to continue to receive updates


xp is still used, believe it or not, in banks ect

A lot of ATMs use some sort of limited functionality version of Windows XP.
Originally Posted By: 2004tdigls
Originally Posted By: browning300wsm
my XP 2000 that i use is still working 100% ..the scanner ..the printer also work ..i did not upgrade to VISTA-7-8 or the new 10 ..has anybody got an idea how much longer my system will work ..i hate to join the RAT race ..

until 2019, just update the registry to continue to receive updates


xp is still used, believe it or not, in banks ect

most Banks ATMs don't go out onto the internet, period.

Can you watch videos on YouTube etc. on your xp machine? I just got an old xp laptop with 750mb of ram and it can't stream video at all.
I have this program, does it interact with my browser ( Firefox) or only work to playback files that are saved to the hard drive?

I can watch video fine on files that are saved to the computer, just not streaming.

Would more ram help or is the processor just too slow?
Originally Posted By: JamesBond
Can you watch videos on YouTube etc. on your xp machine? I just got an old xp laptop with 750mb of ram and it can't stream video at all.

750MB of RAM is a bit sparse for XP. RAM is so cheap so should put as much as your laptop can handle. You can buy used memory modules on Ebay dirt cheap. XP runs pretty well on 2GB.
Originally Posted By: Donald
Over time new applications & hardware will not support Win XP.

I am not sure why people cling onto Win XP.

To avoid having to upgrade scanners and printers that still work with XP.

All of a sudden a $600 laptop upgrade cascades to $1,000+.

OP mentioned his scanner and printer worked fine with XP.
Scanners and printers are pretty cheap these days. It's the ink cartridges that cost money.
Originally Posted By: 2004tdigls
until 2019, just update the registry to continue to receive updates


xp is still used, believe it or not, in banks ect

Updating the registry is a brilliant idea. Thanks for posting the link.

Another group of people who still need XP are those who work on Saabs. The factory WIS (digital service manual) does not work on Windows 7.
I still using Dell laptop Vostro 1000 with XP. The printer and scanner are working fine. I have Avast antivirus free edition for sometime, it seems to work well.

Because it's working fine I don't plan to buy a replacement. When time comes I'm not sure which platform I will buy, notebook or iPad or something else.
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Originally Posted By: Bottom_Feeder
"Get rid of XP and install Linux!" comments in 3... 2... 1...

Yea, seriously, that would probably breath some new life into that machine, assuming he could get his scanner and printer working correctly under Linux.
Originally Posted By: Bottom_Feeder
"Get rid of XP and install Linux!" comments in 3... 2... 1...

Originally Posted By: Quattro Pete
Yea, seriously, that would probably breath some new life into that machine,

... And performance, and stability, and security, and privacy, and support. OP did not disclose printer and scanner models but I cannot imagine any that are of any reasonable age not being fully supported in Linux-based OS's.

Make darn certain that you are using either Firefox or Chrome if you must remain with XP. In my experience Firefox runs a little faster/ smoother on low-end machines.
Originally Posted By: Bottom_Feeder
"Get rid of XP and install Linux!" comments in 3... 2... 1...

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