oil change + apartment living

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Originally Posted By: fdcg27

This would work best with something that you can change while its sitting on its tires with no lifting, like our Subarus.
It would not work as well with our other rides, unless you wanted to carry a set of ramps with you.

Makes you wonder if ramps were purchased, only to be returned after the parking lot oil change!

That's one thing I do not like with my 2012 Legacy. The front fascia and side rocker covers are so low, you need to raise the front, or hang the front over a low spot to do an oil change

If you hop a curb you can gain valuable needed inches. Many FWD cars with transverse engines put the drain plug at a corner of the pan so this even helps get the last bit of oil out. Agree with the above "toolbox" poster, also wear nitrile gloves and bring a handy trash bag so you can deftly deal with your debris quickly.

So what if it's against the rules? Get your spy gear on! Just be polite and non-criminal-acting if cornered.
There are complexes around here that either have a garage with every unit, or a limited number of garages you can rent for extra each month. I agree with the earlier post about following the rules. When I lived in an apartment someone dropped the transmission on a Subaru and made the whole parking lot look ghetto for the entire day. That's why I switched to renting houses until I could afford to purchase.
I'd rather ask for forgiveness then permission. I'll even plead ignorance if I have to, and in worst case scenerio ill find another place that I don't always have big brother watching or where it's allowed.

I was in the middle of a change once and the apt manager rolled up to show an empty apt. We chatted for a few minutes but what I was doing was never mentioned, not then or after. Likely if caught it would only be a warning.

I just refuse to live looking over my shoulder, especially if I'm not causing a bother to anyone or leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. I just do what needs to get done and move on, and if there are any problems I deal with them as they come. After all, in 5,000 miles my oil will need changing again.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
If you hop a curb you can gain valuable needed inches. Many FWD cars with transverse engines put the drain plug at a corner of the pan so this even helps get the last bit of oil out. Agree with the above "toolbox" poster, also wear nitrile gloves and bring a handy trash bag so you can deftly deal with your debris quickly.

So what if it's against the rules? Get your spy gear on! Just be polite and non-criminal-acting if cornered.

So what? And some people wonder why living in apartment complexes can be real annoying.
Yes, rules are only for the other fella.
Originally Posted By: 97f150
I'd rather ask for forgiveness then permission. I'll even plead ignorance if I have to, and in worst case scenerio ill find another place that I don't always have big brother watching or where it's allowed.

I was in the middle of a change once and the apt manager rolled up to show an empty apt. We chatted for a few minutes but what I was doing was never mentioned, not then or after. Likely if caught it would only be a warning.

I just refuse to live looking over my shoulder, especially if I'm not causing a bother to anyone or leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. I just do what needs to get done and move on, and if there are any problems I deal with them as they come. After all, in 5,000 miles my oil will need changing again.

It's not about 'big brother'. If you sign and agree to the terms of a lease...well, that's it right there. Anything against that lease, including all the rules YOU agreed to...is unethical. You say you'd rather 'ask for forgiveness' than ask for permission?? Why? Because you feel that you have some sort of right to do what you wish on property not your own? Then you use these words...'I'll even plead ignorance'. Ignorance you say? You flat out mean lying, don't you? Just say it....you would lie, correct?
Yes, having character isn't supposed to be easy. But don't you think it's the gentlemanly and civilized thing to do? Now granted....if the apartment manager (AFTER ASKING) says it's ok for you to change the oil, then that is fine. But to lie, and look for excuses when you know you should not be doing something....well, that is a sad thing to do.
Rich man / Poor man:

Its ghetto and feels wrong to work on your car in an apt complex - but if I see someone DIY'ing in their driveway, I think, "cool, someone not afraid to get dirty with their own maintenance".

Just a funny observation.

I've got a dead Mazda that I can't figure out why no spark and 1-2 nights a week I'm under hood for a couple hours eliminating more things. No one, not even the manager has said a word, except asked if I needed any help.
That would be because, as with anything else these days, you allow a privilege and someone is sure to abuse it. If the apartment complexes around here did not have rules against working on cars I guarantee you would see cars up on blocks, huge oil stains, and bald spots in the grass where people "disposed" of their used oil. Courtesy, pride, and consideration are vestiges of the past.
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Originally Posted By: 97f150
I'd rather ask for forgiveness then permission. I'll even plead ignorance if I have to, and in worst case scenerio ill find another place that I don't always have big brother watching or where it's allowed.

I was in the middle of a change once and the apt manager rolled up to show an empty apt. We chatted for a few minutes but what I was doing was never mentioned, not then or after. Likely if caught it would only be a warning.

I just refuse to live looking over my shoulder, especially if I'm not causing a bother to anyone or leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. I just do what needs to get done and move on, and if there are any problems I deal with them as they come. After all, in 5,000 miles my oil will need changing again.

It's not about 'big brother'. If you sign and agree to the terms of a lease...well, that's it right there. Anything against that lease, including all the rules YOU agreed to...is unethical. You say you'd rather 'ask for forgiveness' than ask for permission?? Why? Because you feel that you have some sort of right to do what you wish on property not your own? Then you use these words...'I'll even plead ignorance'. Ignorance you say? You flat out mean lying, don't you? Just say it....you would lie, correct?
Yes, having character isn't supposed to be easy. But don't you think it's the gentlemanly and civilized thing to do? Now granted....if the apartment manager (AFTER ASKING) says it's ok for you to change the oil, then that is fine. But to lie, and look for excuses when you know you should not be doing something....well, that is a sad thing to do.

Okay, SO I WOULD LIE, I WOULD TELL THEM I DIDNT KNOW ANY BETTER! happy now? Oh an while Im at it, and because you alluded to this as well, I AM A PERSON OF VERY LITTLE QUALITY WHO DOESNT PLAY VERY WELL WITH RULES!!!!! Now hope that clears it up for you father. Now I have a question, why does that bother you so bad? If you saw me, I doubt you would waste minutes on your Trac Phone to report me anyway.
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Originally Posted By: 97f150
Originally Posted By: andrewg
Originally Posted By: 97f150
I'd rather ask for forgiveness then permission. I'll even plead ignorance if I have to, and in worst case scenerio ill find another place that I don't always have big brother watching or where it's allowed.

I was in the middle of a change once and the apt manager rolled up to show an empty apt. We chatted for a few minutes but what I was doing was never mentioned, not then or after. Likely if caught it would only be a warning.

I just refuse to live looking over my shoulder, especially if I'm not causing a bother to anyone or leaving a mess for someone else to clean up. I just do what needs to get done and move on, and if there are any problems I deal with them as they come. After all, in 5,000 miles my oil will need changing again.

It's not about 'big brother'. If you sign and agree to the terms of a lease...well, that's it right there. Anything against that lease, including all the rules YOU agreed to...is unethical. You say you'd rather 'ask for forgiveness' than ask for permission?? Why? Because you feel that you have some sort of right to do what you wish on property not your own? Then you use these words...'I'll even plead ignorance'. Ignorance you say? You flat out mean lying, don't you? Just say it....you would lie, correct?
Yes, having character isn't supposed to be easy. But don't you think it's the gentlemanly and civilized thing to do? Now granted....if the apartment manager (AFTER ASKING) says it's ok for you to change the oil, then that is fine. But to lie, and look for excuses when you know you should not be doing something....well, that is a sad thing to do.

Okay, SO I WOULD LIE, I WOULD TELL THEM I DIDNT KNOW ANY BETTER! happy now? Oh an while Im at it, and because you alluded to this as well, I AM A PERSON OF VERY LITTLE QUALITY WHO DOESNT PLAY VERY WELL WITH RULES!!!!! Now hope that clears it up for you father. Now I have a question, why does that bother you so bad? If you saw me, I doubt you would waste minutes on your Trac Phone to report me anyway.

Interesting post. I see that by clarifying your post for you, you've chosen to get upset with me. Why is that I wonder? Do you think it's a bad thing to have character....or 'quality' as you put it? Is it so wrong to be decent and have consideration and respect? Seriously, I'm just trying to understand why you, and many others today, share this attitude of being above rules. Don't you think that it is better for the whole that we, as a society, do our best to abide by rules? I am assuming that you don't care at all. In my opinion, that is odd and a real shame. Did your parents teach you to have respect for others....including agreements/contracts and laws....or did they show the same level of disregard that you exhibit? It's a honest question not intended to insult....I'm actually very interested to try and figure out people like you.
To answer your question about WHY it bothers me? Simple. I live in the same society that you do. The things you do....and the things I do....effect others in some way, big or small. As our society continues to grow and becomes more crowded....it becomes even more important that rules and consideration of others be regarded as highly important for the betterment of society. It is not my right to do as I wish in every circumstance....especially if I AGREED to something before hand. Today, many folks with your attitude have made our society LESS than what it could or should be. That's why it bothers me. It's the same with traffic laws. Every day on my drive to work I have the misfortune to share the road with individuals that feel that rules and laws are "for the other poor sap" and not for them. Makes for a real pleasant drive. But that is just one example. There are hundreds of others I could point out....but then I don't want to go on too much of a rant here.
I just wish fellas like you could understand why being a gentleman and a person of character matters more now than ever.
I'm guilty of having worked on vehicles in an apartment complex parking lot, against the terms of the lease. So did a lot of my neighbors. Nobody ever complained, and management did not enforce the rule unless someone made a mess, which to my knowledge never happened.
Dude it must be tough being you, youre wound up so tight. Geez, I'm not even upset, in fact I think the whole things funny. I worry about what I do and make sure that what I do doesn't have any impact on others. Now I fail to see how changing my own oil and being responsible and clean about it hurts anyone. Yes it violates one little line in the lease I signed but that affects no one but me.

Anyway, I'm out of this discussion. I was merely pointing out my experience with living in an apartment and performing scheduled vehicle maintenance, and the discussion quickly turned asinine. Have fun setting the rest of the "non-conformists" straight.
Originally Posted By: 97f150
Dude it must be tough being you, youre wound up so tight. Geez, I'm not even upset, in fact I think the whole things funny. I worry about what I do and make sure that what I do doesn't have any impact on others. Now I fail to see how changing my own oil and being responsible and clean about it hurts anyone. Yes it violates one little line in the lease I signed but that affects no one but me.

Anyway, I'm out of this discussion. I was merely pointing out my experience with living in an apartment and performing scheduled vehicle maintenance, and the discussion quickly turned asinine. Have fun setting the rest of the "non-conformists" straight.

If being considerate makes me "wound up so tight"....then I suppose I am guilty. Is it tough being me? Well, since I am not in the habit of using my Vulcan mind meld on others, I can't compare what it is like to live as another. But I do recognize what it means to follow rules and be considerate....even when it may not seem to effect others at that moment. I guess being a man of your word and trying to live with character is something to be ridiculed and scoffed at these days.
Oh well.
Doing a standard/normal oil+filter change is really messy and require many tools: Jack + jack stands + oil drain pan + oil filter wrench + old oil container, plus it is easy to spill some oil on the ground. If it is done in a garage and doing slowly then minimum change to make a mess.

As mentioned before, best way is find a garage/mechanic nearby and bring oil+filter to have them change it.

I have garage but I only change oil+filter if I don't have to get under the car. For the E430, change oil and filter is so simple even my wife can do it(but she never wants to do anything for the car). For the S2000, I installed the Fram easy change so that I can change oil without getting under the car. The other cars I have my mechanic do it with my oil+filter.
In the inner city in Chicago, people simply drain the oil into the sewers in the street.

Not cool...

We do not know what is available to you - you gotta dig deeper when you are established there.
heck yesterday i parked in the handicap spot and took the rear suspension off my car and not word was said. no one around here cares. the landlord doesn't either. having said that i take extra care to not make a mess on the grounds. but me and a neighbor did get into it a month ago because i was working on a car and he parks half in a spot and half in the spot i am working. i ask him if he could please not park on top of my work area and he cussed me out. so i told him if i accidentally hit his car with a tool that its his problem. well my cheater pipe took a nice piece of paint off of his car. he wasnt happy and called the cops and when the cops got here and saw him parked less than 8 inches off of my car they told him he was asking for it and gave him a ticket for parking illegally.
Originally Posted By: chevyboy14
heck yesterday i parked in the handicap spot and took the rear suspension off my car and not word was said. no one around here cares. the landlord doesn't either. having said that i take extra care to not make a mess on the grounds. but me and a neighbor did get into it a month ago because i was working on a car and he parks half in a spot and half in the spot i am working. i ask him if he could please not park on top of my work area and he cussed me out. so i told him if i accidentally hit his car with a tool that its his problem. well my cheater pipe took a nice piece of paint off of his car. he wasnt happy and called the cops and when the cops got here and saw him parked less than 8 inches off of my car they told him he was asking for it and gave him a ticket for parking illegally.

Sounds like things sort of worked out well....at least for you. Here is my take on it....if you don't mind. If the BOTH of you would have behaved like gentleman, there would have been no need for the police. Civility, by all parties involved, always equals the best outcome. And with you being a tad bit smug about the outcome of that situation, and then parking in a handicap spot yesterday.....kind of seems a little hypocritical.
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Originally Posted By: 01rangerxl
I'm guilty of having worked on vehicles in an apartment complex parking lot, against the terms of the lease. So did a lot of my neighbors. Nobody ever complained, and management did not enforce the rule unless someone made a mess, which to my knowledge never happened.
Yep.....I honestly think this is why most all complex' have such rules....to protect the dirty/nasty that don't clean up their messes.....as long as you stay clean and tidy....I don't think they will fret......now granted, I wouldn't go doing an oil change the first week after moving in....lol.

On the other hand.....had a buddy that did an exhaust overhaul on an expedition......at 2 am in his apt complex.....lol. Left no trace....nobody complained....don't think anyone even knew, except for the 4 am dog walker....lol
I would change the oil very early in the morning or at dusk. I did this for almost ten years. never had a problem. people would always ask me if I needed some help. lol
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