new name

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Nov 29, 2002
Hey BITOG members,

I had my name changed from Airborne Ranger to this. Due to some confusion from some members on here thinking I was a real Airborne Ranger in the Military, which I am not, hence the name change.

I only chose Airborne Ranger previously because little did I know that there is a Military name for Airborne Rangers. So heres the new name, like it?,,,,,op

Originally posted by MarkC:
Oh. I just thought you drove a small Ford truck and liked to get it off the ground sometimes...

na, I never got my truck off the ground. If I ever got my truck off the ground it was a small amount, I have more respect for my truck than that,,,,op
MarkC - good one.

I really did assume you was a Ranger!

Just as long as we remember you are #49!
So you're telling me you are not an oil pan either? What a liar you are.

You are being very mysterious about your true identity.
Hey OP49, although no harm was done and I don't think that anyone was bothered, I think that you showed very good judgement to avoid any appearance of offense to the military. Good proactive thinking!

Best Wishes as you start Winter in Lima, Ohio!

Originally posted by Steve128:
So you're telling me you are not an oil pan either? What a liar you are.

You are being very mysterious about your true identity.

Yep, more critism on BITOG, what else is new?

Tosh, the 49 is my street address number.

SWS- thanks for the luck. Things are going good in Lima. I'm taking Contract Law & Physical Science at the moment. Not my favs but it is what it is and what is is what is right now goes with the program
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