Musk could have saved 500,000 lives last year....

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Dec 12, 2002
By his own estimation...

Loomis somehow didn’t disclose her side of the conversation but published an excerpt of Musk’s response after he said that the event “is not material to the value of Tesla”:

“Indeed, if anyone bothered to do the math (obviously, you did not) they would realize that of the over 1M auto deaths per year worldwide, approximately half a million people would have been saved if the Tesla autopilot was universally available. Please, take 5 mins and do the bloody math before you write an article that misleads the public.”
I read this on Auntie Beeb's website the other day...

If I read this correctly, in the US, death from drug overdoses is now killing more people, especially young people, than traffic accidents. Maybe Mr Musk could apply his exceptionally huge brain to fixing this problem too!
Doesn't this sound like an invalid extrapolation based upon a fairly small sample of vehicles operated by a demographic that typically demonstrates responsible driving habits?
Originally Posted By: SonofJoe
I read this on Auntie Beeb's website the other day...

If I read this correctly, in the US, death from drug overdoses is now killing more people, especially young people, than traffic accidents. Maybe Mr Musk could apply his exceptionally huge brain to fixing this problem too!
I have little sympathy for druggies.
Originally Posted By: CT8
Originally Posted By: SonofJoe
I read this on Auntie Beeb's website the other day...

If I read this correctly, in the US, death from drug overdoses is now killing more people, especially young people, than traffic accidents. Maybe Mr Musk could apply his exceptionally huge brain to fixing this problem too!
I have little sympathy for druggies.

I can understand your lack of sympathy.
The thing is that many of those coming to prison due to drug habits are way past typical first felony age and were first turned on using legally prescribed painkillers from a physician or dentist.
Aside from the typical low level property crimes that bring these folks to prison, they've sometimes done really horrible things to support their habits. For example, I know of a woman who actually pimped her then eleven year old daughter to her dealer for her drugs. She's looking at a fifty year minimum stretch, as seems appropriate for such a horrible act.
I'm coming around to the idea that we should simply register addicts and allow them access to drugs without their needing to turn to crime to finance their habits.
From what I've seen, few are able to get clean and stay that way.
We also have no idea just how many functional addicts there are who maintain a job and a normal life while also maintaining their addiction.
Anyone caught dealing should face a stiff sentence. The suppliers should suffer serious consequences for the havoc they've unleashed.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
By his own estimation...

Loomis somehow didn’t disclose her side of the conversation but published an excerpt of Musk’s response after he said that the event “is not material to the value of Tesla”:

“Indeed, if anyone bothered to do the math (obviously, you did not) they would realize that of the over 1M auto deaths per year worldwide, approximately half a million people would have been saved if the Tesla autopilot was universally available. Please, take 5 mins and do the bloody math before you write an article that misleads the public.”

Yes, it's Elon Musk estimate that if all vehicles on the road were equipped with Tesla's Autopilot at current release would save half million life(globally) a year.

The claim was based on more than 90% of all accidents in America are caused by human errors. Less than 10% caused by equipment failure and environment. Source: US Department of Transportation.

Drivers 2,046,000 94% ±2.2%
Vehicles 44,000 2% ±0.7%
Environment 52,000 2 % ±1. 3%
Unknown Critical Reasons 47,000 2 % ±1.4%
Total 2,189,000 100%

Globally, 1.3 million car accident deaths a year.


Musk expects his current release Autopilot to save 50% of deaths by driver errors, which is hard to prove or disprove.

Every manufacture and every government in the world believe autonomous cars will save life, that why all manufactures are either working on it or have some type of self driving vehicles on the road.
Wouldn't you think he'd start saving these lives by having it automatically equipped on all Teslas, not optional and at quite an expense ?

Interesting taking US stats, and applying them to places that oft don't even have airbags...and most of their trucks don't have the skirts that Autopilot needs to see trucks in the first place.

Just believe it because I'm important and I say it...
Here's some of the conditions that he is extrapolating his "calculations" into...
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Wouldn't you think he'd start saving these lives by having it automatically equipped on all Teslas, not optional and at quite an expense ?

Interesting taking US stats, and applying them to places that oft don't even have airbags...and most of their trucks don't have the skirts that Autopilot needs to see trucks in the first place.

Just believe it because I'm important and I say it...

There isn't any study from third world countries.

What Elon Musk claim was if ALL VEHICLES in the world equipped with something similar to Tesla's Autopilot 500,000 could be saved. It is not possible to prove/disprove his claim.

Originally Posted By: Shannow
Here's some of the conditions that he is extrapolating his "calculations" into...

Doesn't matter which equipment you can have on this car, it is impossible to avoid accident if 1 or more of the bikes crash into the car. This is one of the cases that only 50% of all accidents can be avoided with autopilot.

I said "Every manufacture and every government in the world believe autonomous cars will save life, that why all manufactures are either working on it or have some type of self driving vehicles on the road." Is this correct of I lied ? I may be wrong in saying "Every manufacture", I mean "Every MAJOR manufacture", not overnight companies pop up in China.
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Interesting article. I think I would have more faith if this technology was developed by some of the "heavy hitters" of the car industry like Ford. I think its takes experience to build a car, even more to build one that effectively drives itself.
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