Mowers - Time for bed

Dec 15, 2002
Retiredville SC
Fall stayed a bit warmer longer than usual this year, and I did a final mow much later than my normal Halloween one. Plus, I was bored. Ran Ethanol Shield in the gas at a 1oz. per gallon to get it through fuel system, even though I drain float bowl and fuel tank. Threw excess into the car since it's a sin to waste ANY E0 93 octane fuel. Oil changed, cables lubed and adjusted (for hydrostat drive mostly), and washed/dried. Did an extensive overhaul to next door neighbor's HRR216, which prompted me to service the rear wheels and pinions as it had been a couple years. Took them all apart and noticed the bushings in the deck were a bit rusty and spun in their bores (they were squeaking too when mower rolled). Knocked them off the drive axle and cleaned them up. Cleaned the bushing bores and shimmed the bushings back in place to prevent spinning again. Axle/bushings greased along with the inside of the pinion gears with drive key and spring. Dry lube applied to outer teeth and wheel gears. Dry lube keeps any muck from sticking and they stay pretty clean. Bolted all back together and decided to clean/lube front wheel bearings as well. Engine got a new plug and air filter, even though the 3 year old plug looked ok. Carb was replaced last year so all good there. Newly sharpened blade went on, and exposed metal coated with a light spray of S100 Corrosion Protectant. Rolled back to her corner of the garage for another slumber (11th). Goodnight Ms. HRX, it was a good year slaying grass blades.
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Winter storage is the responsible thing to do and causes less problems in the future. Also allows us to go over everything or notice something out of whack on our machines. Good night OPE 💤 😴
I need to get that done as well.

I haven't mowed in a couple months since it's been so dry. I run a double dose of Stabil Marine all the time and in the last couple months I usually double that and I don't think I got to that phase this year.

I honestly don't even know if it will start or if the battery is dead :LOL:

I'd like to mow one more time and then spray it down with Fog-it and then pull the battery. That's all I do every year and I have to pull the plug wires every spring to keep it from starting before it turns over a few times. The rest of my maintenance is hourly, even if it crosses a winter or two.
I usually do all that but haven't gotten to it yet. It's been so cold that I haven't done much outdoors. Early winter here has messed things up.
I put my Honda away last weekend. I did 1 last mow to grind up the last of the leaves, turned off the fuel valve to run the carb dry (I always put Stabil in the fuel, so no worries there) and shot a little fogging oil down the spark plug hole.
As always, it should fire up in a few pulls of the recoil in May.
I've put the OPE away for the winter as well. Did some shuffling of engines around the push mower fleet, and scrubbed/painted the underside of the tractor deck. Drained tanks and refilled with E0/Seafoam for the winter nap. Yes, Stabil or other storage additive would probably be better but I envision a reduction in carbon deposits with the Stabil. Who knows.
I puttered around yesterday on the riding mower moving bricks and 1x4s. There are still things to do, the mild cold can wait!
My last "mow" is usually right around Thanksgiving to mulch up any remaining leaves, then the mower gets parked. I empty the tank with my battery transfer pump, turn off the fuel to let the carb run dry, then stuff a few strong smelling dryer sheets around the engine cowl to keep the mice out.
After Christmas I’ll do one more mow. Mainly to pick up the leaves. It’s been mild in Texas. After that I’ll run the carb dry. Change the oil in the spring. Stabil marine is already add to the gas even though what doesn’t get used in three months gets used in the vehicles.
I've stopped draining carbs, and just use treated E0 fuel year round. I've had more issues with starting from a carb sitting empty, and I've had no issues with starting in the spring with treated E0 fuel sitting in the tank all winter. I run the tank down to about a 1/4 and let it sit. Fill it up with fresh fuel in the spring, and let it rip. Never an issue. Every gas can gets a fill of 91E0, stabil or star tron, and a tiny dose of Regane.
Drained the oil (Schaeffer's)

Drained the gas and filled it up with Trufuel

Added a small dosage of MMO

Took mower deck off. Wire wheeled the underneath,applied primer and some new paint. I will apply SurfaceShield to it in the Spring.
I never really put the mower away for our version of "winter". It just sits unused in the garage Dec-Feb, then gets fired up again in March.
I put the mower and tractor away a couple weeks ago. The mower I ran completely empty. The tractor, I topped up and removed the battery. Fuel is always e0 (thankfully available locally) along with an unscientific pour of stabil in every fill.
I acquired a used snowblower a couple weeks ago and I will be doing the new-to-me maintenance this weekend. So that one will be waking up, as it were.