Mouse Without A Dongle

Sep 2, 2005
I just bought a new Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse and it didn't come with a dongle . The old one is a Logitech and has a Dongle . Is this common with some Brands ?
That's how Bluetooth works. It uses built-in communications that most mobile devices have had for about 15 years. My first Bluetooth device was a Motorola earpiece that I paired with a flip phone. It had nothing that plugged in since it used a AA battery as its power source.

I had an old Apple mouse that connected via Bluetooth without a USB receiver (Apple wireless Mighty Mouse) that I got back in 2008. That thing was a piece of junk though. It had this tiny little trackball that kind of served as a 2D scroll wheel and this horrible single shell that either left or right clicked depending on the side of the shell that was pressed. And the Bluetooth connection was iffy. I preferred to use a traditional wireless mouse.

Logitech has a large range of Bluetooth mice and keyboards. If they come in a set I'm not sure if they can be independently paired or not. They have some that can pair via Bluetooth or connect through one of their standard USB receivers (these models are packaged with a Unifying or Bolt receiver). I'm not sure if I want one with a built-in rechargeable battery as I've had good experiences with AA batteries (usually rechargeable).
I don't think you need a dongle for Bluetooth - the bluetooth antenna is already inside your PC. I think your maybe confusing it with a standard wireless mouse - that has a USB plug in.

BTW - which one did you get and how does it work - been thinking of getting one as well.
Hard to see the print ...... I think it says1929 . I havent used it yet . I have to figure out how to pair it . I'm running Ubuntu 18.4 if that matters .
Hard to see the print ...... I think it says1929 . I havent used it yet . I have to figure out how to pair it . I'm running Ubuntu 18.4 if that matters .
Go to settings (from the drop down in the top right) and bluetooth should be in the list. Click on bluetooth and it should give you a list of devices that are ready to pair. Click on the mouse and it should do its thing. As mentioned, if your PC has bluetooth. Most have for quite a while.

If you don't see any devices make sure bluetooth is turned on - its a slide button on top of the bluetooth page.

You may have to put the mouse in pairing mode - with a button or pin hole button or something, or some just automatically go into pairing mode for a bit when first turned on.
I don't think you need a dongle for Bluetooth - the bluetooth antenna is already inside your PC. I think your maybe confusing it with a standard wireless mouse - that has a USB plug in.

BTW - which one did you get and how does it work - been thinking of getting one as well.
Maybe they used a Dongle before the PC makers started putting Bluetooth in computers .
It says it cant find Bluetooth and to plug in a dongle to get bluetooth .
If you click on settings (from the top right drop down menu) is bluetooth on the list? If not, either your PC doesn't have it, or Ubuntu didn't load the driver on install. If it doesn't show up I would just search for the specs on that PC on the www to see. There is a way to find all hardware in Ubuntu - but I don't remember off the top of my head - I am sure someone else here knows however. My expert is at college currently :(. How old is this PC? Is it a laptop or desktop?

You can buy a USB bluetooth adapter - that you plug into a USB port and it gives you bluetooth. At that point - unless you have other bluetooth devices you wish to use - I would just get a regular wireless mouse with the dongle. Its likely cheaper, and you wouldn't have to worry about finding an driver for Ubuntu.
Hard to see the print ...... I think it says1929 . I havent used it yet . I have to figure out how to pair it . I'm running Ubuntu 18.4 if that matters .
As others have said, if your computer already has Bluetooth it should be as simple as pairing the mouse.

However, I don't know how good the Bluetooth is for Ubuntu 18.04 - It's been a good few years since I've used it. Support for 18.04 runs out on 31 May of this year, by the way. It is probably best to upgrade to 20.04 and, if you have the time and inclination, again to 22.04. It's not like Windows where everything changes with each release.

In the worst case, you might need a cheap Bluetooth adapter to plug into your system via USB; or another mouse.
Bluetooth on Linux is kind of hit or miss, especially on an older version. If you're not too attached to that mouse, I would suggest trading it for a conventional wireless one with its proprietary receiver.
This mouse does not have a dongle . :ROFLMAO:
I'm gonna Swap the Microsoft Mouse with a Logitech Mouse I bought for my mothers laptop .... that she never uses .
I just bought a new Microsoft Bluetooth Mouse and it didn't come with a dongle . The old one is a Logitech and has a Dongle . Is this common with some Brands ?
I have an HP BT mouse that comes with a dongle and this mouse does not work without the dongle. Without the dongle and with BT 'on' on the PC the mouse does not show up. With the dongle, even with BT on the PC 'off', the PC sees the mouse.