Marriage Advise

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In some states that's called a common-law marriage and that'll still entitle the other party to your assets; sometimes known as "palimony"
Originally Posted By: hooligan24
Advice: dont do it. I see more unhappy married couples than I do happy couples. I recently witnessed 2 guys I worked with make it to retirement age, retire, then their wives of less than 10 years end up with half of everything they worked their whole life for. If I had worked 50 years of my life only to have a short term woman take half of everything i worked for, I would use the other half to hire a hitman.

Not always the womans fault....but in most cases I witness, it is the woman caught being unfaithful

They must have had bad lawyers. My ex-wife only got 1/2 of everything accumulated between June 1996 and September 2003. Everything before our wedding day and everything after the day she walked out came off the table.

I still had my account statements, and could show my balances at the end of May 1996. Keep records, just in case.

She can't even collect SSI on me as we were not married more than 10 years.

Sounds like your buddies at work had bad representation.

PS, like I said before, men and women are involved in affairs in statistically equal numbers. Very few who are having affairs are having "same sex" affairs. So for every cheating man, there is a woman, for every cheating woman, there is a man. It's a character fault, not a gender based fault. Bad character is equally represented by both men and women.
Last night on Hawaii Five-O

Danny: Don't do it, don't get married.
Chin Ho: Thank you for the support.
Danny: Just find a woman you hate ---
Everyone Else: ...and buy her a house!
Originally Posted By: dwendt44
Side note: If she'll cheat WITH you, she'll cheat ON you.

Good advice. But someone who cheats isn't thinking logically.

I asked my ex-wife, who was having her affair with a married man how could they trust one another. If he'll cheat on his wife to be with you, how can you trust him? How will he trust you?

She got the divorce she wanted, but not the settlement she wanted.

He was gone shortly after. I don't know who let whom go. Don't really care.

But the lack of critical thinking skills no longer amazes me.
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