Lights on/in the do you change them???

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Mar 16, 2003
Mt 1997 Chevy Tahoe with the stock raido seem to have burned a light or 2 out in it. A couple of buttons no longer light up at night. How do I fix them? Thanks for any help!!!!
I've never had it happen, but I'm sure that you will have to remove the radio and open it up. Probably your best bet is to remove the unit and drop it at an electronics repair shop. Better yet, see your local Alpine dealer!
Thanks for the help! It may be better to upgrade to an Alpine. I had one in my last car and it was fantastic! I'm just worried someone will break in to steal it and that is why I still have the stock raido.
I thought most of the internal lighting was led which I believe are soldered on there. Unless you really like the factory radio, I would suggest a new radio (get one with removeable faceplate).

A friend of mine used to have Ford Aerostar and the backlit on the radio stopped working. He said it was a burned out bulb but never got the chance to change it though.
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If you are willing to get a new radio, you don;t have anything to lose by opening up your GM radio yourself and seeing if you can replace the bulbs or whatever yourself.

It would be an edumacational experience, and might save you a bundle of money.
They can be replaced.

Google "adelphia grand prix radio"

Click on the 2nd link. I posted it once on another thread but it got removed for some reason.
I just opened the Ford radio that came with my car. It has 2 green LEDs that light each button. They are directly soldered to the board itself. So if you had to replace them I am gonna say you need to be solder handy.
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