As long as there is still a buzz about this oil, and speculation about its continued or extended availability, I'll keep this table updated. I've included two more data fields in this one. I don't know what they mean yet. Still looking for trends. Please continue to post new numbers.
4DSC M023386B 784 3 fill times BC, CA
Patman M023386B 784 3 fill times ON, CA
4DSC M023386B 784A1 *500 BC, CA
Patman M023386B 784A1 2 fill times ON, CA
Yuk M023386B 784A1 1515 AB, CA
Chris Jefferson M023386B TAG785 2013 GA, US
FowVay M023386B TAG785 2208 GA, US
G-Man M023386B TAG785 0058 SC, US
Pscholte M023386B TAG785 2006 CO, US
Oilcanboyd M030426B T/W0504821 2 fill times CA, US
Outersquare M030426B T/W0504821 CA, US
Tenderloin M030426B T/W0504821 2007 CA, US
Asmodeus M030426B T/W1240607 MON, CA
Yuk M030426B T/W1240607 **24 AB, CA